Ebs Letter saying my credit record is wrong


Registered User
Did anyone receive a letter from Ebs stating that they registered a "missed payment " with the ICB incorrectly?
Just wondering if we have any legal rights to sue?
Discussed in a few places, including here: https://www.askaboutmoney.com/threads/refused-switch-icb-incorrect-issue.218071/

If you can show you were impacted negatively by it, then by all means seek compensation, but if not what would you sue for?
I thanks for your reply. We were definitely impacted as my hubby was refused credit for a car and a personal loan and we couldn't understand why.
I saw an add on fb where a solicitor is offering to take on cases but not sure if its something we could do ourselves?
A solicitor? Madness. There are people that take advantage of every scenario.

Lodge a complaint with the bank. Provide evidence that you requested and we're refused finance. It would help if you can quantity a financial loss, e.g if you had to borrow at s higher interest rate elsewhere. Ask for compensation. Simples.

If you're not happy with the banks complaints outcome, then you can go to the FSPO.