EBS Commercial Mortgages - Lonestar

Yes, AIB sold the EBS loans to Lone Star.

Lonestar is not regulated

Sinn Féin's Pearse Doherty has raised the issue in the Dáil.

Covered very well on NAMA winelake

Here is the Minister's reply to Deputy Doherty's question:

Yes, AIB sold the EBS loans to Lone Star.

Lonestar is not regulated

Its not surprising the EBS is trying to distance itself from some of its huge mistakes made back in the day.
Wonder what this means or may mean for those who may have, for example, buy-to-let loans with EBS. Some would argue that "in the day" the EBS were not always regulated either!
Wonder will Lone Star or the EBS write to the borrowers. Wonder will Loanstar try to do deals and exit again quick where possible. Interesting times.