EBS - Clearly dont need customers


Registered User
Was turned away yesterday for not having an appointment to open up a bog standard current account!
Has anyone had this problem with any other banks?
Similar thing happened to us when we tried AIB. They only book appointments between 11 and 12 each day and the next appointment wasn't for 3 weeks. Went to our local PTSB and account was opened on the spot!
i found all banks needed an appointment, that suited them not me. and they all wanted a deposit in the acc, i think 100e.
ub opened and acc on the spot and no deposit needed.
Was turned away from NIB for not having an appointment when trying to open an ECB tracker account.

Had to make an appointment a couple of weeks in advance with UB to open a current account even though I've being banking with them for 12+ years.

Opened an AIB Regular Saver account then and there at their new account desk.