ebay listed as a phishing web site?

The page says no longer available. I don't understand why you are using ebay.ie/co.uk. Why don't you just use .co.uk?
Sorry.I mean't that this warning occurs on either ebay.ie or ebay.co.uk. I think I'll steer clear of both sites for a while.
I have used ebay.ie a lot lately with no problems. Perhaps your security software is flagging a false positive? Or maybe your PC is compromised and attempts to access this site are actually being redirected elsewhere?
I think its a false positive but can I be really sure? Seems strange that it works ok on my pc which has Norton 2007. The laptop is giving trouble. I'm scanning it[the laptop] with Spybot at the moment. It might spot something.
15 Problems found with spybot!!! I'm doing another scan having removed the 15 offending items.Think I'll download spyware terminator too.
Quick update,I removed all 15 items found by spybot.Spyware terminator found 1 more.Tried ebay this morning and all seems ok.
i got an email of 'ebay' and 'paypal' re updating my account or else it would be made inactive, (click link to activate and enter details) both emails arrived together and were addressed to 'ebay member' and 'paypal member', needless to say i've reported them both.
I think its like clubman says,one security system is just not enough anymore.
I have been using ebay.ie for a good while now, and thankfully I have no problems. Even got myself a nice leather cover for my camera last week.

I have actually forgotten to open that email about pay pay payments, so thanks for the heads up.

I use antivirus software called Avast for the last 2 years and thankfully I have never had a virus.

Its free to download too.
I don't think it was a virus maybe some spyware.The laptop that i was getting the phishing notice on has trend micro security 2007. What is the best security suite?? No AVG answers please because I used that before and got untold problems.I don't mind paying for a decent security suite so long as its good!!
Why are you using Norton and trend micro security?

What problems did you have with AVG

Do you have a router hardware firewall

What OS

Laptop or Desktop?

What other AV/Spyware/Firewall products are you using.
Right;Here goes. I have pc with norton 2007+spybot+spyware terminator which I scan the computer with religiously every thursday.It is working perfectly and is not giving the phishing notification for e-bay.I also have an acer laptop which has trend micro+spybot+spyware terminator which is also scanned every thursday.This is the computer that was giving the phishing notification.I have Eircom supplied netopia wireless router 3347NWG which has a firewall set to medium.I'm using xp in pc and xp media edition in laptop.Come to think of it I last used AVG on an old IBM T20 os win2000 which was a disaster.Maybe AVG suits xp better?Is the Netopia firewall sufficent?