eBay Ireland slower than a dog - High CPU utilisation


Registered User
Have any others noticed that ebay.ie has slowed down dramatically in the last week or so. The pages appear to hang when loading with IE is hitting 98/99% CPU utilisation for several seconds and hogging large amounts of memory, which only get released when it is shut down. ebay.co.uk does not seem to suffer anywhere near as much from the problem.
I always found ebay.ie very slow compared to the UK or US versions of the site.
Its loading fine for me using Firefox and ubuntu os.
Trust ebay to give .ie the worst as usual. You hardly ever get free listing days, free upgrades etc like they do on .co.uk or .com

Makes ya wonder why they bothered with .ie
Its loading fine for me using Firefox and ubuntu os.

So true!! - I tried using firefox instead of internet explorer to view Ebay.ie after reading Caff's reply and the difference is amazing. It loads instantly.Why is this? With internet explorer it was painfully slow.
So true!! - I tried using firefox instead of internet explorer to view Ebay.ie after reading Caff's reply and the difference is amazing. It loads instantly.Why is this? With internet explorer it was painfully slow.
I'm not sure but I think i read somewhere that Firefox can download images and text boxes in multiple streams or more than one at a time. IE I'm not so sure but it seems to be one at a time for me which is just too slow. Also firefox might have better caching facility (?) Not sure 'bout the latter tho.
Firefox for me is a far superior browser, i have IE on work laptop hate it, But Firefox on home PC and its so much quicker and more secure.
Can only say positives about Firefox and it's free what more would you want...
Noticed ebay.ie it has been very slow recently, using IE on XP and firefox on Linux ....no difference ....other sites are fine
Just tried it again on ubuntu/firefox in a new tab.Its flying along.