Eaves: expanding foam


There are birds in the eaves of the house. A guy who came to look suggested foam.

If expanding foam is used all along the eaves front and back of house would this have an impact on the attic in any way for example condensation or other issues? House has red wavy-style tiles

Is there another solution to this problem?

(Work will commence later in summer when birds have left).

If expanding foam is used all along the eaves front and back of house would this have an impact on the attic in any way for example condensation or other issues?
Yes, I'd be very worried about cutting off ventilation to the attic. You could potentially create problems that you wouldn't know about for years, condensation, dry rot, etc. There's ventilation for a reason.

Other options are Eaves combs, like these:
[broken link removed]

I've also seen people pack chicken wire into the space.

But, you need to work out what kind of birds you have. Some return to the same place every year, and if they can't get into your attic will build under the eaves.
Don't use the expanding foam - it will block the air circulation into the attic (looks a bit unsightly too if not done properly)

I've the same issue with birds nesting each year and use "chicken wire in a ball shape" and stuff into the gap. Some of the more "determined" birds manage to get it loose, so the start of each season, I do a quick check of the eaves and when I'm out in the garden, keep an eye on activity around the eaves. I'm in a bungalow, so easier to get at the eaves.

In the past, I looked at what RedOnion suggests (Eaves Combs) - but just haven't made the purchase as the chicken wire is working as expected.
Thank you both for your very helpful replies. I will investigate the comb filler. The birds - 3 separate families: 2 in the back, one in the front, are starlings!

I have also sourced another person who will investigate the eaves. It’s a 2-story. Too high for me!

I also see that some house martins are brazenly starting to build on the inverted V-section at the top side of my house. Any gadget for this? I have some strings there but they are ignoring them.

House Martins are a protected species, under both Irish & EU law. Once they start nesting, it's too late to do anything. You'll need to do bird proofing after they've all left.

An alternative, to both, you see spine in places to prevent pigeons sitting in objects. You can use the same, upside down, under the eaves against the wall and it'll prevent both problems.
Thanks again! What does the spine look like?

Is it something like this?


There's bird netting which is small, hardly noticeable. There's shiny ribbon, again not really noticeable...both on Amazon, and very cheap. We put the shiny ribbon up in March before the birds came, and it's worked, it's kept them away from the 3 previous places (inverted V) they used to nest up in the eaves of our house. It just hangs down, and blows in the breeze, does enough that they don't want to fly in behind it. We've kept the back of our garage free of ribbon so they can nest as usual, and they have.
Hi myate

Can you direct me to the products you mention?

All quiet on the western front at the moment! Seems like a good time to intervene.

What is the name of the shiny ribbon you used?

Bird ribbon, which we've used as we couldn't get a ladder up into the triangle eaves (dont have a ladder!) - we managed this with a long painting pole!! - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pawaca-Repellent-Thickened-Waterproof-Reflective/dp/B07D313GJJ/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=bird%2Bribbon&qid=1560067882&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&th=1

Bird netting will require ladder to put up - we bought this but couldn't get a ladder! Both are cheap - https://www.thegardenshop.ie/bird-proof-netting/

Was watching the birds this week & with the rain & wind, one of the ribbons blew off & right away the birds were checking the area out! Put up a new bit of ribbon & again the birds flew right to the eaves & were hovering looking at the area but left! They did this a couple of times but the ribbon blowing in the breeze does enough to put them off! What seems to work for us, is ribbon attached to the wall where they'd make the nest, and another piece of ribbon hanging down from the eaves.