Eating in Alghero, Sardinia


Registered User
Checked existing threads but they are mainly around accomodation. I have just booked a weeks holiday in Alghero to get away from our wonderful summer. I know very little about the area and am interested in any recommendations for reasonably priced restaurants expecially seafood in or around the town.

Thanks Clubman, there is information on tripadvisor, I was just wondering if anyone who had visited recently had some personal recommendations.
I was there in March. I am sorry to report but we thought it a poor destination. The old town is nice but very small, you will see it all in about an hour. The shops and restaurants close at circa 3p.m. and don't open until 7 p.m. There is absolutely nothing to do during these 4 hours so I would recommend that you hire a car. We didn't, but used local transport to visit Sassari, a busy concrete place. As Clubman says have a look at Tripadvisor. There is a local forum where all your questions have been answered. We did find one lovely wine bar right in the corner of the old town that had free tapas from 12 a.m. and some great wine. Unfortunately I can't remember it's name. On a couple of occassions we were the only people eating in the restaurant and on another there were only six covers. I put this down to us being there in March. I imagine in the peak season the place is buzzing. If you like amber jewellery there is lots of it about. We had problems with mosquitos so don't sleep with your windows open. We stayed at the Hotel Angedras.
The rest of the town was like Capel Street on a Sunday afternoon in the 1960's. Sorry to paint such a bleak picture but as I say hiring a car and visiting the local towns would be a good idea, the roads seemed quiet. Getting from the airport is very easy, hop on the local bus after purchasing your ticket from the red ticket machine in the arrivals hall. Turn right as you come out the door. The bus is hidden about 100 yards away. I think the journey cost less than €2 on the bus.
Thanks BoxtheFox, we will have a munchkin with us so the afternoon siesta will be used for just that, so no problem with places closing, we are just going for a chill out week and to get a bit of sun so quite happy if the place is a bit sleepy, thanks for the tip about the mossies. What I was interested in was info on restaurants (one of my favourite pasttimes), just found an article in a recent Sunay Times with suggestions for eating in Alghero which sound good - - any other suggestions welcome
have to say i loved alghero when i was there a few years ago. don't think you could go wrong if you go to the restaurants on that list, can't actually remember the names of the places we went to but if you find a place called la spaghetteria (which was nice, cheap and cheerful) which is in a square in front of a church, right beside it is a restaurant where all the locals used to queue to get into, which is a good sign.
you could spend a nice afternoon heading out to the caves which are a short boatride from the quay, and do hire a car and wander around, driving isn't scary at all and there are some wonderful places to visit, don't know why anyone would pick sassari to visit, if you drive just a little further you come to an amazing beach area.
have fun
you could spend a nice afternoon heading out to the caves which are a short boatride from the quay
If you mean Neptune's Grotto then you can also get the local bus to that although you then have to tackle the long staircase down and back which is arduous in the mid-day sunshine! The bus passes through Fertilia which is an odd place - a planned model town built during Mussolini's rule. Take a trip to Sassari if you can - you can get the train and it's an interesting place.

I really liked the beaches down past the San Marco Hotel and the camp/caravan site nearby which were totally unspoilt and fringed by pine woods. Great place for lazing away for a few hours and having a picnic etc.
was there last year. found a place called casablanca - was really nice, we ended up going back at least 3 times
We were in Alghero last year and loved it. The lifestyle is typical Italian - lots of families strolling late at night. The old town is small but has lots of restaurants and I have to say all of them we tried were good and enjoyable.

Only drawback for us was that it was incredibly hot during the day - the cool of the evening is definitely more comfortable for strolling and eating.

We stayed at the San Marco hotel - directly opposite the beach and enjoyed the walk into the town in the evenings.

Hoping to go back in September - enjoy and do share any finds you make.
We stayed at the San Marco hotel - directly opposite the beach and enjoyed the walk into the town in the evenings.

Hoping to go back in September - enjoy and do share any finds you make.
When leaving the San Marco turn right and walk away from the town for about 10-15 minutes to find the beaches that I mentioned above.