Easy Website - Frontpage Themes


Registered User
Hi everyone

I need to earn some brownie points at work in a hurry, so I've decided to sort out the website. I'm aiming for something simple (no flash, minimum pics etc) but as professional-looking as possible. At the moment the company has no website so I'm going to rob a load of bumf from the brochure and whack it up. I've used Frontpage before, so I thought if I could get myself a really good-looking theme that I could customise, I might pull off a pretty good job. There are loads of theme websites and I don't mind paying a small amount if anyone can recommend a reputable website?

Host.ie is our ISP so I don't think there should be any big deal in uploading and we already own a domain name.

Thanks a mil
MissRibena said:
Host.ie is our ISP so I don't think there should be any big deal in uploading and we already own a domain name.

You will probably need to make sure that they support FrontPage extensions on your server or as part of your hosting package if you want to keep things as simple as possible and avoid having to use FTP or WebDAV or whatever to upload/manage content. Personally I read "good looking FrontPage theme" as an oxymoron and would avoid it myself but I suppose it's easier for many people to use than the approach that I would normally take (i.e. writing the HTML by hand or with a very somple WYSIWYG HTML editor and keeping things as simple as possible).
Thanks Clubman. I know that real IT people are not Frontpage fans, but the timing of my brownie points are of the essence, and it will be enough of a challenge for me to remember how to work with Frontpage. I did write a really basic webpage in HTML about 6 or 7 years ago but it's all a distant memory to me now.

My boss is a sales guy so it's more style over content/user-friendliness in this case. Cynical, I know but needs must!

Our package does allow for the FrontPage extensions so I'm ok there.

Re; themes and templates - are there any particular reasons to go for one over the other? I'd be quite happy slotting in the text into a template and sending it off into cyberspace. I just don't want to buy one that will turn up on loads of other webpage or look really gaudy.
