easy financial gift for child

cara mc k

Registered User
I would like to give my godchild an ongoing financial gift, but I don't want the hassle of all the paperwork re opening an account. Is there any bonds certs I can buy other than prize bonds as I would like to keep this going for a number of years.

Many thanks
Cara Mc K
Why don't you get the child's parents to open an account in the child's
name for your use alone. That way you can pay money in whenever you want and it will amount to a nice amount for the child's 21st
You could buy saving certificates at post-office. Child cannot cash them until seven years old but can leave longer if desired. Although their interest rate has lagged behind of late, they are tax free and no hassle. I I did this for my children, they didn't know I had them and were very glad I gave them when they needed them. Or you could consider an account in your local credit union, control it and make deposits as you wish. Then give it to the child when starting college, 21st etc etc. I did this for my godchild's college start and she was absolutely thrilled. Putting a small amount away each month had seen it rise considerably.