Easy access to money in USA


Registered User
Heading to USA end of August and originally had planned on using my credit card and Halifax Visa card over there as I dont want to be carrying alot of cash on me.
Now that my visa debit card is gone, anyone know another bank that have them? I joined PTSB after Halifax shut up shop but they wont be issuing visa debit cards til mid September.
My credit card is Tescos one. anyone know much on using this abroad. Was in states last year with BOI credit card and I had it in credit and used for shop purchases and using 365 online to top it up if need be..Tesco dont have this option :(
any suggestions? I just want the cheapest/easiest way of getting access to money so I dont have to be worrying about having too much cash on me at any one time

You can just use your ATM card to withdraw cash from ATMs as you would at home. Most of them will allow you to use your own ATM card. There is a charge of between $1.50 and $3.50 levied to your account depending on the ATM so it makes sense to take out larger amounts than to take out $20 here and there.
thats what i kinda want to avoid over there, taking out large amounts of money as there is a charge on it
Make sure your card has the Cirrus or Plus Logo. Then also make sure the ATM in the US has the same, then no problems withdrawing US$. Most ATM's in the US from larger banks will have "Plus" logo. Steer clear of ATM's in convenience stores, bars or gas stations, they have high transaction fees. Bureau de change are hard to come by, and impossible in smaller cities and towns, so have "some" US cash on hand. Virtually everywhere takes credit cards, no chip and pin required :)