Easter Rising commemorations?


Registered User
The debate seems to be still going on......but is anything organised? Is there a parade? I tried googling it but the nearest I got turned out to be the Sinn Fein website. Anyone know what's going on?
Re: Easter Rising Commemorations??

quinno said:
Strangely, the defence forces website www.military.ie has no mention, except a caption of a modern soldier holding a copy of Poblacht na hEireann outside the GPO...

The DF have been preparing for thre parade for the last six weeks or so. All branchs of the DF will be taking part i.e. Army, Naval Service and Air Corps. Other participants will include Gardai (?) and UN veterans. The parade will start at Dublin Castle and make its way down to O'Connell St. and finish in Moutjoy/Parnell Square. The President will review troops from a viewing stand on O'Connell St. An officer of the Defence Forces will read the Proclamation from the steps of the GPO. The usual commemoration will held in Arbour Hill after the parade.
Re: Easter Rising Commemorations??

Itchy said:
The DF have been preparing for thre parade for the last six weeks or so.
Polishing their ear plugs?
The usual commemoration will held in Arbour Hill after the parade.
There goes my lie in!
Re: Easter Rising Commemorations??

ClubMan said:
There goes my lie in!
A comment like that on a financial website about losing a bit of shut-eye over the proud commemeration of the Republic's conception cries out for some [broken link removed]

What need you, being come to sense,
But fumble in a greasy till
And add the halfpence to the pence
And prayer to shivering prayer, until
You have dried the marrow from the bone?
For men were born to pray and save:
Romantic Ireland's dead and gone,
It's with O'Leary in the grave.
Re: Easter Rising Commemorations??

Anyone know what times?
Re: Easter Rising Commemorations??

I don't have a till, greasy or otherwise, in my scratcher. I don't expect to be doing much in the way of fumbling either.
I saw sometime before noon mentioned somewhere, coverage on the telly starts at 11:30, it's very hard to get details...
watched the parade on telly yesteday. though it was very well done. what frightened me though was the thought that there was 2.500 approx soldiers on parade. roughly the same number of American soldiers have been killed in Iraq. sobering thought.
I too watched and enjoyed the parade. It all looked good, helped by the beautiful sunshine. Just a couple of gripes. The first lads (the ones that the President inspected .... I think they were the Reserves) were out of step, which really isn't acceptable - presumably they would have had weeks to prepare themselves. Also, could someone not have turned the traffic lights off just for the few hours? Otherwise I thought it was excellent and felt proud to be Irish.
Audrey said:
The first lads (the ones that the President inspected .... I think they were the Reserves) were out of step, which really isn't acceptable - presumably they would have had weeks to prepare themselves.

Yes they were reserves. 65 Reserve Infantry Battalion. From the video clips I saw, yes they were out of step moving offk, no it is not acceptable however bear in mind that it was a company of men(100) and the officer at the front giving orders is facing away from the troops coupled with the noise of the crowd... it is difficult to hear the orders. There salute to the President was perfect...well done 65th.
jdp: I wasn't really commenting on the number of Americans killed, rather the futility of war. When you see a military parade and all those fine young people and you think of what war actually does. Having said that, if Britain hadn't of stood up to Hitler..... you can't always stand back and hope everything works out ok. And while I think the Americans have got Iraq wrong, ( not pc I know but basically muslim countries seem to prefer iron gloves to political and religious freedom) were it not for them who would have sorted out that 'European' war in the Balkans? Not us for sure, nor the EU, nor France nor Germany or Italy etc etc .Europe washed its hands and looked the other way.