Easter Lily


Well, no for me - I'm not implying that no-one wears one

But I don't see very many on the under 60s TBH.

Personally I don't go in for any symbolism/badge wearing/sloganeering etc
There will be plenty of people wearing them around where I'm from over the weekend. I believe it's a very successful fundraising event.
I've never even heard of an Easter Lily.

They're worn by Republicans around Easter. A kind of a commeration thing. I remember the slogan "Wear an Easter Lily" painted on walls when I was young. Almost in an intimidatory fashion.
I would - commemorates 1916.

I know what you mean but I'd be slightly concerned that I'd be seen as some kind of a republican sympathiser. I think the Republican movement hijacked the Easter Lily idea, if you know what I mean.
I know what you mean but I'd be slightly concerned that I'd be seen as some kind of a republican sympathiser. I think the Republican movement hijacked the Easter Lily idea, if you know what I mean.
Why would you be worried Lex, do you worry about others peoples view of you due to what your wearing, haircut, aftershave ???

It's nothing more than a symbol same as the poppy so beloved of numerous figureheads on this island and that of our near neighbours.

I wear it in rememberence of people who despite what way they are protrayed now had belief in their convictions and gave the ultimate sacrifice.

I am not a SF supporter or voter.
Surely there's an element of letting other people see you wear it though? Its a public statement.
I have mixed feeling about it.
The Easter lily has been hijacked by the IRA and its ilk so it's hard to commemorate those Irish men and women who died for our freedom at home just as the Poppy has been hijacked by the Unionists so it’s hard to commemorate those Irish men and women who died to fight tyranny in two World Wars.
most likely, same as wearing a pink ribbon to raise awareness of breast cancer or small sunglasses for guide dogs for the blind, i personally don't ram it down peoples throats, some do though.
Shanegl, most likely same as people wear a small pair of sunglasses to raise awareness for guide dogs for the blind
Yes, probably is the same or similar - but the point is that people do this so that others can see what their opinions are/where their sympathies lie/what they feel about certain issues etc or else why do it?

You know your own mind - why is it so important to let everyone else know?
I'd have no problem wearing the pink ribbon for breast cancer (have one on the car), or wearing the shades for the Guide Dogs or a daffodil on Daffodil Day (I sell them on Daffodil Day, along with the pins, trolley coins etc).

But I don't think it's fair to equate these with the sale of Easter Lillies nowadays, however. If it only represented commerating those who made the ultimate sacrifice in 1916, I'd wear one. Two even. But anytime I saw tham being sold it was by people who had strong SF or IRA connections and, personally, I wouldn't want to have anything to do with either. I'm not sure what connection modern day SF/IRA have with those who died in 1916.

I know who supplies the daffodils, shades, pink ribbons on the relevant days but where do the Easter Lillies come from and who supplies them these days? A genuine question. This in no way a dig at any earlier post, all of which are well made points. Does anybody know?
There are two types - the stickies and the pinheads.

They distinguish the Official from the Provisional.

Aha Marion!

Thanks for that. I knew in republican slang that a stickie was an official as opposed to a provisional 'member' but never knew why. This lily thing is obviously the reason.

I don't think provos are referred to as 'pinheads' though. Not to their faces anyway.