Eastenders should be banned

Eastenders is unfortunately a realistic portrayal of peoples demeanour in the gritty east end of london.
You might as well call for a ban on hillstreet blue, or on war scenes in poor countries.If you don`t like it just don`t watch it.

Agreed. Eastenders is, however, complete tripe that surprisingly has a major appeal to so many. Up to 12 million UK viewers tune in and that is twice the average number that watch the news there. Not sure about Irish viewers...hopefully we are a more discerning lot but I have my doubts!!

It's on RTE 1 and BBC at the same time - much like Corrie. TV3 got Corrie a few years ago so RTE picked up Enders. I'm not a massive fan but if I had to choose I'd pick Enders over Corrie.
The thing i cannot understand is EE seems to win soap of the year each year?

I am going to the National TV Awards in the O2 London at the end of the month, i will let you know if they win again..... i am sure everybody will be on tenderhooks till then
Yes gebbel. You are right to have your doubts. The entire soap opera collection are very popular in Ireland as can be witnessed by Ryans Tubridys obsession with wheeling on ex soap "stars" to rapturous applause.
As regards their acting ability they are fairly pathetic and most sink without trace once they are killed off.

Or the young girl (about 12?) who was talking about the Banshee,

awful tripe.
The acting in EASTENDERS is actually very good.Some of the acting by some characters in FAIR CITY is very poor.I don`t understand why RTE buy this programme from the BBC, as almost everyone has BBC anyway.How much does it cost?
Yes that SHIRLEY is a dreadful sex hungry bitch.I wouldn`t want her to get her claws on me.
As regards their acting ability they are fairly pathetic and most sink without trace once they are killed off.

Acting in a soap does appear to be the kiss of death for most actors. How many of them leave in a blaze of glory, all talk about how they've had a great time but now want to try other things and are considering several offers, then slink back a couple of years later to their old role, having not been seen on our screens since?
I watched Law & Order UK last night - far superior to soap fodder.

Easterenders and Desperate Housewives are crap.

Fair City is a waste of time.

RTE then put on Mad Man at 11.30pm and give prime time slots to soap fodder.
In fairness to fair city it is a home produced soap set in our capital city . It gives employment and helps aspiring talent and provides moderate entertainment. Why we need to use licence payers money to buy foreign soaps when practically everyone has access to the BBC is beyond me.
I can stomach most home produced programmes, its the standard of acting in F City that is poor and as for Eastenders...
Well we need some home produced soap so that our young actors/actresses can improve their acting skills even from a very low level. Isn`t that how Colin Farrel started? Any talent will be spotted and move on.Its just like soccer in Dublin. A good young talent will be signed by an english club ,then complaining about the poor quality of whats left is not really fair.
The only thing is, there was one young girl actress who was so atrociously bad that the only conclusion I came to was she was well connected......still happens a lot in RTE.
There's more than just one bad actress though. RTE have produced some excellent shows etc, its this one that's poor

Is that really the purpose of home produced programmes? To train and educate aspiring actors so that they can head off abroad and make their fortune? As license payers are we not entitled to expect a certain standard of competency from our home programmes? I would have thought that any actor/actress being signed up for a prime time and expensively produced soap opera should already be able to act. They should be honing their skills on small inexpensive productions which don't go out at prime time and in local theatres etc.
..ah yes, Eastenders, or chavs shouting at each other in cockney, as I like to call it...


Never follow it! When changing channels, I stumble across it. Cannot stand the accent, which is by and large, put on and I am unable to understand what they are saying so no watch for me!
I suppose the objective with 70% of TV is that you turn your brain off and become a vacuous receptacle for advertisers.

Case in point I - I never watch the X factor but the other half had sky +'d it and there was at least 25% adverts + about 20% mindless recapping.

If you take Big Brother, I’m a celebrity, the Premier League, Jordan or come dancing – its all contrived by marketing to generate revenue. It’s a race to the bottom where image is everything and substance is nothing (unless of course you include substance abuse)

With the brain its not a case of garbage in - garbage out so I do agree plugging into any of the above is not good for your overall well being!

Point taken,the soap "fair city" is about producing entertainment for the T.V. audience. Surely the fair city casters are trawling the local theaters and drama schools looking for good actresses and actors. I am sure that there is a bit of " pulling" but maybe the standard isn`t that good and we have to have a local soap for entertainment.