Earning INterest on a credit card


Registered User
Years ago if i had money in my AIB credit card, rather than owing money on it, it would generate interest in my favour.

does this still exist?

reason, i find myself sometimes with an extra few bob, not much, maybe a couple hundred at most, in my current account, so rather than sitting there doing nothing, I could lodge it to my CC account to generate some kind of interest :)
Just open an online deposit account with your bank.It amounts to the same thing.(Check if your bank has a minimum balance for free banking though)
No credit card interest is payable to the customer, do not put your credit card into credit, you get no interest and if your card is stolen and used you have no protection for the funds you had in credit.

Have a look at the best buy thread in Deposits section to get information on deposit rates, that will work well for you.