You're likely being caught out by the rule that says if you receive the Employee tax credit and are also earning Case I/II income (trading/service income) that you can only get a max of the employee credit. See the text just before the 'How to claim' instructions on this page:
You're likely being caught out by the rule that says if you receive the Employee tax credit and are also earning Case I/II income (trading/service income) that you can only get a max of the employee credit. See the text just before the 'How to claim' instructions on this page
Maybe I am reading it incorrectly but think both should/could be applied. Pay income was only 2,000. Which means that the employee tax credit is only for €400. Then trading income is another 4,000 so thought another €800 credit (earned income) could be applied but maybe I am misunderstanding
On those figures, yes, you should be able to get a total credit of €1200 or thereabouts.
If you paid PAYE in the year on overall income, it looks like a refund is due.
You could lodge a MyEnquiry asking why the credit was less than expected.