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So there are no hidden secrets? Where does it say plainly where the rest of your £3 goes? Where does it say that your chances of winning a prize are actually 2.5x worse than if everyone bought £5 of tickets?

As for playing for free - only if you find 5 stupid others to take your place in the scheme. Assuming £1 of the £3 goes as commission, that still leaves another £2 unaccounted for. Let's generously assume another £1 is nibbled by commission, that still leaves a pound profit for this site to do essentially nothing.

You only play for free when you recruit 5 more. Certainly it's not pyramid scheme levels of stupidity, but £265 (5 * 52 + 4.99) is still a substantial sum.

Skeptics don't claim everything is a scam. A scheme that allows you to spend £5 to buy £2 worth of product and then must pass this overhead onto others to offset your burden sure sounds like one. The only way it is a great system if you can compartmentalise the immorality of that basic fact.

bobboy said:
When you look at this with an open mind and see the facts, there is nothing to fear. It's actually a great success so far, there are hundreds of thousands of people who have signed up from more than 130 countries!
An open mind should not be so open that your brains fall out.

bobboy said:
Easy to say scam, but harder to look at something without putting it down.

Actually I did look at it. Once you brush aside all the promises of riches, it is exposed for what it is. I wonder if with the amount of cash you claim this scheme is hauling in why they even bother buying lottery tickets for everyone. As their headquarters are situated in the Isle of Man perhaps they don't even bother and use statistics to pay out themselves.
MagicMoose said:
An open mind should not be so open that your brains fall out.

Possibly the funniest thing I have heard on AAM for a while, and the most sensible thing said on this thread .
I joined this scheme a number of months ago and was very skeptical. But since joining I had several wins of significant amount ( in the hundreds of euro categories) and I play for free because I introduced 5 of my friends to it. I could not fault it.
edel1876 said:
I joined this scheme a number of months ago and was very skeptical. But since joining I had several wins of significant amount ( in the hundreds of euro categories) and I play for free because I introduced 5 of my friends to it. I could not fault it.

you play fore free...or is it that your friends are really paying for you to play?
Yeah, I receive a £1 commission of everyone I introduce on a weekly basis. My friends also have the opportunity to introduce 5 people.
Hmmm... a newly registered user singing the praises of e-lottery after bobboy went quiet in the face of incontrovertible evidence that he (and not others as he accused) was talking rubbish and who shares the same IP address with bobboy which is used by no other AAM users. Draw your own conclusions folks...
DrMoriarty said:
Sorry to spoil the fun!

Some scammers use the names of real people to make the email seem more legitimate. So while I think e-Lottery is a MLM / Pyramid scam (be it a legal one or not), I wouldn't put it past some 419 spammer to have gotten his name after cutting and pasting a few salient details from their web site.
Hi there,

I've signed up *just* so I can reply to this thread which was pointed out to me by a friend.

Now I realise I might get banned immediately, but I thought it was well worth 10 minutes to sign up and post here.

I found VWD at Christmas 2005 and immediately thought "yeah, right, there goes a pig flying past". I then closed the page and in February 2006, I spotted them again, so I had a closer look as I can't say I wasn't interested the first time round. But you know what they say "if it looks too good to be true, then it is."

The thing is, after another couple of months of looking, and checking their maths, and looking some more, I really do think they're totally legit. Which is why I signed up on Good Friday.

I had to spend the time checking them out to my satisfaction, because I knew if I was going to get involved in this, I wanted to be on 20 foot of concrete. ESPECIALLY if I was going to get my friends and family to join. There's no way I wanted to encourage people close to me to join a scam.

Anyway, I've started to write up my take on the whole thing. I'm not going to post the link here, because it's not fair, and I certainly don't want to be accused of spamming my member details. But if anyone does want to take a look at it, just PM me and I'll send you the link.

I welcome anyone pointing out anything wrong as it will allow me to correct my errors, and who knows it may even make me change my mind about the whole thing. I always think it's too easy to start flaming, when really what's needed is a bit of discussion to get to the bottom of things. Hehe.

I do have an open mind, but it isn't too open as someone here has said.

I would just like to address a couple of things I noticed in this thread though.

1) Dr. Moriarty, did you know that in your 1st post to this thread, you actually posted someone's affiliate details? That made me chuckle. The bit you might want to edit out is everything after the URL, especially the "<edit>" bit as that means member number <edit>. I'm sure he or she would be really pleased about that, but there's no sense in advertising for them is there? Unless it's you, hehe.

2) As MagicMoose rightly pointed out (and Dr. Moriarty agreed), some scammers do use legitimate companies and names to trick people into falling for a real scam. VWD themselves know they've been victims of scammers using their name as part of a con. Here's the link:-

[broken link removed]

Just be warned, for some reason they've used an unflattened PNG for the image of the scam email on that page and it's 2MB! Jeez. It will only appear if you click the link on that page though, the URL I've supplied is just an ordinary web page.

That's it I think. Please do come back to me on this, as if I *have* made a mistake in joining VWD, it's a genuine one, and I'd like to know sooner rather than later. It's not too late for me to walk away. Actually, thinking about it, it's not too late for me to walk away any time as it's only £5.00 / week subscription.

That's in direct contrast to pyramid scams where you're expected to stump up several thousands up front for junk that nobody will buy. That alone made me begin to believe they were legit, and as I looked harder, it just got better.

I belive this is legitimate MLM (Multi Level Marketing), not illegal pyramid, and from simple sums I've done, it doesn't look like the money will run out. VWD have been going for 4 years now (start up 2002), and pyramids don't usually last anywhere near that long. They're also very public in what they do. There's enough in that £5.00 / week to cover the costs all the way down to the 7th level of commission.

That's what I think today anyway.

And just think, companies like this are under EXTREME scrutiny from people like the FSA and Trading Standards, no-one wants another bl***y scam on their doorstep!

As I said, I've started to write up my take on the whole thing, and I really do welcome constructive criticism from anyone. So if anybody wants the link to what I've written so far, just PM me. I'll be adding to it as I find time over the next month or so.

In that write up are links to their sales letters pages as well, three altogether, 1 for affiliate, and 1 each for the UK Lotto and the Euromillions. As with all sales letters there's quite a bit of hype in there, but if you ignore that, there's also some good info about the e-lottery between those 3 pages, including numbers. It doesn't give you all the detail though which is why I'm doing a write up too including a more recent set of numbers.

All the best.

Plank said:
Dr. Moriarty, did you know that in your 1st post to this thread, you actually posted someone's affiliate details?
Whoops... — and no, I can assure you it's not me. I've never bought a lottery ticket in my life, much less through an MLM affiliate scheme! I've edited the link and removed the references to the member number from your own post.

Plank, I still think you're mad (no offence intended) — but of course it's entirely your own choice. Thanks for not posting links here to your own page...
No offence taken. It took me 4 months before I joined. I am sceptico extremo! Having said that, I already have 5 people signed up underneath me, and I haven't really tried very hard, I've been too busy doing other things.

But I do think this one is above board. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to PM you my website details. I really do want someone to point out my glaring error before I spend too much time and effort on this.

You can of course just tell me to s*d off!

Please don't.
Plank said:
It took me 4 months before I joined. I am sceptico extremo! Having said that, I already have 5 people signed up underneath me, and I haven't really tried very hard, I've been too busy doing other things.

But I do think this one is above board.
Ah, yes.

Well, Plank, you certainly seem to have made a big impression on them, too — I see they already have you 'welcoming' people to their and ' sections...

My regards to the .

Plank banned.
Thread locked.
Point made?
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