E Flow dispute


Registered User
Yet another M50 toll issue, I paid my mum's toll in a petrol station and e-flow are saying they never got it.

It was paid the day after her trip (over and back) I paid another toll at the same time, typically I have the receipt for the other one but not for hers. I also have the till receipt showing that €9 was paid in total. The petrol station said they don't keep detailed records and they can't trace it but that eflow should definitely be able to. I've given eflow the exact time date and terminal id that it was paid from but they've said they can't trace it. This has been going on for 2 months and they're now looking for €94. Is there anything we can do as the €6 was paid on time.
There was a piece on RTE 1 this morning on this and it is apparently a huge problem. I can only speak for myself but they will €3 from me per trip whether I am late paying or not ( and it sounds like you were not).

By the sounds of it they are having a lot of administration problems in this area, which I am not in the least surprised at. I very much doubt if these fines will stand up in court other than people who continually use the toll bridge and pay nothing.

They have now appointed a new customer service company so it might be worth giving them another call.
Just called them again they've sent all the details to their legal department to chase the payment and can't discuss it further. I then rang the solicitors they use and they said they haven't received the information yet, even though it was sent on the 6th. They can't talk to me until my mother receives the solicitors letter, I'm getting really annoyed with it all. My mum said she'll just pay the €94 which I'm not letting her do as the €6 was paid in full and on time.
You're dead right, thats what they want people to do!! The scale at which they increase fines is unacceptable. I've paid mine on-line up to a week late sometimes and never heard a word from them.
Actually it was the Pat Kenny Show I heard this on this morning (minus Pat). Pop them a mail if you feel ike it. The presenter had a friend with a similar problem.
we got hit with one, but fortunately had the receipt for the journey in question. rang them up after the getting obligatory m50 photo and request for payment. The receipt had a number which should tally with payments they receive but they had nothing on their screens for it.

So they are definitely losing payments from shops. Id fight it til the bitter end even if you can show the receipt for the 9euro.

I cant remember, do the govt own this now? which means we own it? which means we're paying ourselves money but we're losing it? so wheres the money going?......hhhmmmmmmm
It was paid the day after her trip (over and back) I paid another toll at the same time, typically I have the receipt for the other one but not for hers. I also have the till receipt showing that €9 was paid in total.

The receipt that has the €9, does it not say what the €9 was for?

I thought all reciepts had to show what the payments was for. It cant just say €9.

I would get back onto the shop as it seems they put the 1 transaction throught and not the other.
Thank god Teleperformance (eflow customer service) have gone. The worst run business I have ever dealt with other then the irish government.
samanthajane the receipt is the laser receipt which shows sale amt €9 cash back €20. I was actually surprised I could even find the receipt as it was about 2 weeks later that mum got the letter querying payment I don't normally keep petrol station receipts. I will of course be keeping all receipts in the future.
I have had the same problem, but I paid over the phone. When I recieved my notice to pay €94 I rang to say that I had paid for the journey. I e-mailed them a copy of my bank statement to show the payment had left my laser card account. I got another letter saying that they had investigated and couldn't find the payment. I then wrote to them enclosing a copy of my bank statement and my phone bill showing the exact date and time I made payment. Same result. I have posted off another letter, but this time I am requesting any and all informatioin held digitally by them in relation to me, under the Data Protection Act. So far, no reply, but I can still see the disputed payments on the web site under my reg number.

They are the worst company I have had the dispeasure to deal with and I re-route through Lucan most of the time now. Dig in your heels and don't give in. It's up to them to prove you didn't pay, which will be hard to do if you have a receipt. They should look at the shop in which you paid for any compensation.
I too have the same problem with eFlow going back to last January. Im sick to the teeth of them at this stage. I have no receipt but I have my bank account showing that the 3 euro was debited from my account the day after I made the trip.

As requested I sent them through my bank account statement with the 3 euro clearly displayed. They are still disputing it.

I received another letter this week so replied stating that I have submitted everything and the charge was paid. It has left my account and entered their account.

Surely a bit of common sense at this stage would prevail from their end - Ive wasted an amount of time and money on the phone to them and also the amount of time they have spent sending me letters etc. over 3 bloddy euros.

I aint standing down though - especially when i know im right!!
Get a tag from them. Its provided free and only costs €1 a month plus the toll charges which are less than the pay as you go method, It works out much cheaper all over particularly for those who might forget to pay a toll on time. I have had one from eflow since day one. No errors, no overcharges and no incorrect charges. You can check all online.

I passed over and back the toll a month ago. I paid at the airport on the way out and on my laptop when i returned home. Got 2 letters saying that i owed eflow 3 euro's for each trip and that had gone to 6 each for late payment.
I rang them and said that i had paid but they had no record. The matter was now "in dispute". They said that they would call me back with there findings; if any.
No call back and i got 2 further letters today for outstanding payments and fines for near 80 euro. I called them back telling them that i had paid, its on my bank account, the matter was in dispute so no fines should encur but all i got was a guy telling me that my payment was not on the system therefore fines will ensue.
I have sent in my statment today so lets lee what happens.......
E Flow is a complete JOKE and an embaressment to our country.