E-bay: My Dispute. What would you do?


Registered User
I sold a printer to a buyer. All good, he bid, won and paid me. All was working, no significant problems with it bar the odd light scratch on the casing. It was well looked after:

I wrapped it very carefully, shipped it with Interlink to the UK. Registered etc.

Buyer now e-mails me saying:

1) The front tray is broken and looks like it 'has been for some time'
2) He's getting an 'unspecified error' when trying to use the printer

From my point of view:

1) It wasn't broken - I have photo evidence of the tray fully extended etc
2) He mentions in the e-mail that he had the same 'error' from a previous same model printer that 'took him three weeks to sort out' with the last buyer.

This leads me to think that it's a local problem with his machine (two errors, same model printer) and the damage was caused by shipping!

I think I'm a fair man, but what would you do in this situation???

It's a problem with his machine if he gets the same error msg with two different printers. Aren't you insured if you send things by registered post?
If you dont want the negative feedback,take back the printer unless you had mentioned a no returns policy on your ebay listing.
I think it does sound like a problem with his machine. As a gesture of goodwill for damage caused in the post, I might offer a nominal amount. I use eBay myself and would find this fair- you can't be responsible for two postal services.
Hope you didn't have to use the West Cork branch of Interlink - I've found them most unprofessional and so don't use Interlink anymore for that reason.

The error message is clearly due to a problem on his side - I would find it very hard to believe both printers had the same problem!

Contact Interlink and say that the receiver has stated the item is damaged. See what their response is - they should offer some compensation and you can inturn pass this to your buyer. Assure the buyer that the product left you in good condition.