Dying with Download FRUSTRATION: Vodafone Broadband USB dongle


Registered User
LORDY LORDY I am DYIN' with frustration with this silly useless Vodafone Broadband USB dongle....What a buncha poo! It took me 15, YES I REPEAT boys 'n girls 15 minutes just to open AAM then another 10 long drawn out minutes to open this particular forum....makes me feel like goin' out 'n kickn' puppies and trippin' up ole ladies crossin busy streets. Only good thing is Buddy Guy playn' in Eric Claptons CROSSROADS concert in the background!..........
Re: Dying with Download FRUSTRATION

Well, if you don't have a land-line you can consider NTL broadband, works very well for me!
Re: Dying with Download FRUSTRATION

Well, if you don't have a land-line you can consider NTL broadband, works very well for me!

Yes, but OP is probadly locked into a twelve month contract with 'this silly useless Vodafone Broadband USB dongle....'
Re: Dying with Download FRUSTRATION

Oh you're right no landline, in the middle of moving to a rural area in the West with no landline option for Broadband in the new house so I thought this dongle thingy would be a help in between houses and maybe even in new place but I think not....... ...
All very possible! My first thought was that the OP probably doesn't have a land-line and Vodafone is the cheaper option... There is probably bad coverage in the area, maybe you can still return it - I'm sure there is some return policy for the first month or so?
Since there seems to be no question from the original poster here I have moved this to Letting Off Steam.
As far as I can recall, the return policy has to be within two weeks. I used to have one of them and it was very slow. Try using it in different areas of the house in the hope you might pick up a better signal.
I got 3 broadband earlier this year and am pretty happy with it. I have only had a poor signal once from home, all other times it is pretty much 1.6 Mbps. Right now I'm using my parents 2 Mb eircom and getting .75 Mb...