Duty on goods bought in US for Visa Holder


Registered User
Hi Guys

I am currently working in the states and have been here for six months. As you can imagine I've picked up quite a lot of stuff. In fact pretty much everything I own at this point was bought here. I am just wondering when I go home at Christmas would I be liable for duty on these items? They will not be new as such as I have been wearing clothes and using all other items I have bought for some time now. My US visa is valid until 2011 and although I do not have return flights it is a possibility I will be returning to work here in the future. I'm just not sure exactly when the liability kicks in - as in if I brought all the stuff home with the express intention of bringing it back to the states with me would that not be the same thing as a US citizen coming here for a holiday? There doesn't seem to be a huge amount of information available on this (or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place!) Has anyone else had experience of this? Thanks!