Dunphy on RTE



why is our national broadcaster persisting with using Dunphy on the Euro 2004 panel? Here is a guy from a bygone era with nothing new to offer, there must be somebody out there who could replace him. TV3 had the cop-on to get rid of him.

Last night after Bulgaria had conceeded 5 goals, John Giles remarked to George Hamilton..."Bulgaria will need to tighten up their defence".

This is expert analysis is it?????!!!!!

Actually it was expert analysis. Giles predicted a glut of goals in the second half & he nearly predicted a few of them a minute or so before they happened. Maybe you'd prefere to watch ITV or BBC & listen to YES men who actually never say anything in case they might form an opinion. The other night in the Studio Liam Brady, Dunphy & Dennis Irvin had 3 different opinions on the England - France game. Not a chance of that on any other panel.

Yeh, I think the RTE analysis is excellent and refreshingly objective and honest. On the commentary side I think George Hamilton is not the best and Jimmy Magee is terrible.

But Dunpho is the star of the show....what he offers is brutal honesty and insight into the game that you just don't get elsewhere. I hate it when a forward like Heskey, who couldnt finish a sentence, misses an absolute sitter and the bland analysts on other stations say "He could have done better there".....no, no, not Eamo...instead Eamo goes "That's muck, theres no way an international forward shouldn't have buried that one Bill"...we all think it but rarely do we hear it on the box. He calls a spade a spade and manages to largely remain objective even when discussing Irish performances....well compared to English coverage of the "world-beating" England team anyways....I'm still breaking into fits of laughter myself over those what happened 'em on Sunday! Ha ha ha ha ha!!!
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Dunphy gets my vote, as does Giles for his astonishing performance last night. I'd previously found him a bit lazy in so far that he obviously never does any advance preparation on the teams playing but he was bang on with his commentary last night. RTE now has a great panel with Dunphy, Irwin and Brady, they not only have differing opinions but aren't afraid to contrdict each other and don't get into a huff if they're on the receiving end.
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As someone with little interest in football (but with an alarming understanding of the game - I put it down to fanatical friends) I think Dunphy brings a lot to football commentary. He is refreshingly honest. He's one of those characters you either love or hate though.
The Dunph

Last night was classic on RTE - we had Dunphy lambasting the Dutch for bringing democracy into football and for the players being too well educated (this followed the story that 4 dutch players are now picking the team). Dunphy went on to say that what you need in football are players from poverty stricken backgrounds in poor countries, run by dictators and none of the 'human rights' stuff that the dutch are trying to bring in!!!!! Brilliant stuff. He had Denny Irwin and O'Herlihy in stitches, as well as myself.

Compare that to BBC the other night discussing the England match - Ian Wright repeating how he was 'gutted' and "was just abouve to ring m'mates" when the goals went in for France.

No competition - RTE win hands down....

Thought I detected a bit of unease between Dunphy and his co-analysts Brady and Irwin. I think that may have had something to do with the differing opinions.

Admittedly, Dunphy can be a belligerent pig at times, but the other two looked decidedly sour and humourless.
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I am an Eamo fan for many years.
He was a voice in the wilderness when he talked against Big thick jack.
I'm a big Dunphy fan, still miss him on the radio.........ah, the good old days.

Yes, his radio show was a must-hear. Poor old Matt Cooper does his best but he still sounds a bit wooden.

The comedy sketches were also superb. On one occasion, I got into a fit of laughing at a Bill Cullen take-off and almost rear-ended the car in front of me ( Oh yes, 'ndeed and I did sir)

Best analyst? Brady has the most insight(as he did when he was a player) , but dunphy is unmissable.

I love it when their prematch analysis goes out the window, ala german/holland the other night. But they stand up and admit when they get it wrong. After dunphy and chippy, Id have Strachan. But thats it. the rest are just louts.

And as for Bill Cullen, hes got to be the only man who could put tears in my eyes talking about tarzans legs.
I can never understand why people seem to be so engrossed by football analysis. Why do people feel the need to have what they just watched with their own eyes explained to them? Certainly watching football on TV is second best to actually being there. The commentary team who are actually at the game should be able to compensate for this to some extent. However many of the analysts are simply in a studio watching the same TV pictures as the rest of us. Football is a simple enough game. If you can't draw your own conclusions from what you see for yourself and need analysts to spell it out for you then perhaps you'd be better off spending 90+ minutes doing the garden or something more useful... :\
My thoughts exatly unreg user. Football(Sport) punditry has now seems to have become more important than the actual game. So Dunphy calls a spade a spade- big deal. he is seeing exactly the same picture as the rest of us couch spuds and his opinions have no better insight on a game than that of an informed fan. TV watchers can't see the wider picture of all the work that's done off the ball. when the pundits are on i go and have a cup of tea its a lot more refreshing that listening to some of the so called informed comments of the panelists.

According to the Sunday Indo, Dunphy turned up at RTE on Saturday tired and emotional (i.e. drunk) again, and they sent him home in a taxi.

Why do they continue to bother with him? He must be more trouble than he's worth.
Re: Dunphy

Why do they continue to bother with him? He must be more trouble than he's worth.

One word.

re: Does Dunphy actually know anything?

Does anyone out there actually believe that Dunphy actually knows anything about European football?

For example, when he is is watching a team, such the Dutch, he honestly doesn't seem to have a clue who most of the players are and what we should expect of them. Liam Brady, on the other hand, does seem to know his football and makes it clear in his opinions that he has been watching the European leagues, and not just the Premiership, all last season.

Yes, Dunphy is great entertainment and by all means keep him there. (I will definitely admit he was well versed on the 'Saipan' situation in the last World Cup, but that was about all.) But you really do need Brady and Irwin there otherwise Dunphy's hot-air would start to grate.
Sunday Indo

The sidebar on the front page of yesterday's sindo was all about Dunphy missing work cause he went on the lash. Why doesn't the sindo just give up all pretence of being a serious newspaper? It should go redtop - page three girls and all. Dunphy being drunk is not newsworthy.

Seeing Rudi Voller again brought me back to those matches when Frank Rikard kept glugging on him....the highlight of that was Dunphy and Giles in the studio with their light pens circling it and sketching its projected path topped off with Dunphys legendary..."Bill, its not a good spit, its a great spit..."

I don't think I have ever seen it bettered by a soccer analyst...