Dunboyne castle


Registered User

We picked up a 4 bed detached in Dunboyne castle when they reduced the prices earlier this month. Reports on the area have all been positive but thought I'd just check here to see if anyone lives there or has any advice on buying in the estate and dunboyne in general. Should be signing next week.


Lived there for 11 years...Had to leave last year due to job ..Great village..Great community.... has everything.... Communirt cente...soccer and Gaa clubs...Athletices...music...Near Dublin...5 Km from Blanch shopping and cinemas..Loads of Resaurants and ubs to choose from...And most importantly generally speaking nice eople..Hwever the originals will always treat you as a blow inn...but thats their problem

How is the flooding in Dunboyne these days? Would it affect the side that Dunboyne Castle is on? (I think in the past it was closer to the N3)
Thanks Guys

That's helped to confirm what we hasd already found out.

Think that the flooding was down the road a bit and has been sorted by extensive floodworks over the last 4 years so happy on that front.

There have been some substantial price reductions in that development so you should be doing well in that regard. Menolly would have had a very good reputation for their homes. However I would strongly recommend that you confirm that there would be NO presence of pyrite in the back-fill of the floors. This has occurred in other Menolly developments in North East Dublin. Get it in writing just to be sure. Otherwise Dunboyne Castle looks a very nice housing development and may you have every success there.