Dun Laoghaire and Dog Poo.


Registered User
Just back from a stroll between Sandycove and Dunlaoghaire Pavilion area. I have never seen so much dog poo covering the footpaths. It was like threading through a minefield. One of the reasons as to why there is so much of it about is because the area is not being policed by dog/litter wardens. This has been a problem for years in Dun Laoghaire and one wonders why DunLaoghaire Rathdown County Council can not put a stop to this happening. The dog owners need to be caught and given a hefty fine.
I walk through Cabra the odd time at lunchtime and the place is covered in it (at least I hope it's from dogs!).
As I was walking back to my car there was an elderly woman walking the promenade about 30' in front of her dog. I watched her for a while and not once did she look back to see what her dog was up to. She may have been carrying a pooper scooper but there was no evidence of this. Out of sight and out of mind. It would be very difficult to catch and report those dog owners who walk their dogs when the evenings are dark. It would be also difficult to spot the dog droppings as you walked along in the dark and your would most likely end up with it on your shoe.