Dumping "White Goods"


Registered User
I have a fridge/freezer, washing machine and drier which I want to dump. Any idea of how I can do this - can I bring to a dump or disposal area? I am in Galway city.
Return them to your local electrical goods retailer.

You pay them the PRF already when you buy something regardless of whether you have something to be dumped or not so make them work for it.

They have to, by law, accept all electrical goods for disposal.
Thats slightly incorrect, Ballyman; they only have to take back items on a like-for-like basis, i.e. they'll take a fridge when you buy a fridge.

From and :

Oasis said:
Retailer take back
Retailers must provide free in-store take back for old electrical and electronic equipment from customers. This must be done on a one-for-one, like-for-like basis. This means that the old product must be of the same type or have fulfilled the same function as the new item purchased. For example a consumer buying a toaster may return a toaster but a consumer buying a computer may not return a toaster with that particular purchase. A retailer may, with the permission of their local authority, put in place alternative arrangements for take-back. This alternative must not be less convenient for the customer than returning the waste to the shop when buying a new product.

If you forget to bring your old items with you when buying your new items you will have 15 days from the date of purchase of the new items in which to do so. Alternatively, if the product is being delivered you are entitled to have the old item collected at the same time for no extra cost on the same one-for-one, like for like basis. If a new product is being delivered to a customer’s home retailers cannot charge for collection of the waste equipment (although a retailer can charge a delivery fee). Retailers must give 24 hours notice of delivery and the old item must be disconnected from all utilities. If you do not wish to avail of the free collection of waste equipment on delivery of new equipment, then you have 30 days to return it to the retailer’s premises if you wish to avail of free retailer take back.

Most local authorites now take white goods for free (paid for by the PRF addition to all electrical items now) - check with yours; you will normally have to bring them items to your local amenity centre yourself though.
So why then when I purchase a new fridge do I have to pay the PRF if I am returning nothing to them??

Doesn't make sense??????? Am I being ripped off again in good 'oul Ireland??
Funnily enough, white goods are generally as cheap if not cheaper in Ireland than the UK due to very tight margins from good old Power City.
The PRF levy is to fund safe disposal of all the items already out there.
And it's being reduced.
So no rip-off, just the Gov. getting it right for once.
Ballyman said:
So why then when I purchase a new fridge do I have to pay the PRF if I am returning nothing to them??

So that you can take your waste to the amenity facility for free when your (new) fridge reaches it's end of life - you're paying to ensure the fridge is disposed of in an environmentally-friendly way in the future.
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Galway County Council operate recycling centres at Clifden, Tuam, and Ballinasloe who will accept your white goods. Check this link for opening hours.[/FONT]

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