Due to close


Registered User
I had a phone call from the solicitors acting on behalf of the developers that I am due to close in two weeks. My own solicitor I cannot get, he is useless and has been. She said i will have to get an engineer to do snag list. Also will someone from the bank have to come out to do final inspection?

After all this time, without a peep from these developers solictors I can't believe I am actually closing. I was on the site last week, and to be honest it looks a mess. The chief guy there told me they were still waiting on county council to approve where the storm water is going, there is no ESB , no road into site yet. Also I have just ordered my kitchen and it will be 6 weeks. Does the house have be liveable Ie some sort of sink in the kitchen before I can close?

If a completion notice has been served on your solicitor, then I'd organise a snagger (engineer/architect best). Services must be connected - especially ESB, and if they're not, your snagger can point this out in his/her report. Send the snad list to your solicitor and the developer's solicitor.

Developers regularly tell their solicitors houses are finished when they are not.

When the house/apartment is completed, you need to tell your bank/broker to organise the final valuation. Also make sure your insurances are in place.
I bought a house late last year, and the Vendors solicitor was totally useless.
Luckily mine was excellent and insisted that every single bit of paperwork necessary was completed satisfactorily. It did cause a bit of delay but My solicitor explained that if these bits and pieces were not done properly, then I would have the same problems when I came to sell the House.
In fact my solicitor had to contact the senior partner in the vendors firm of solicitors to push things along.

If you're not getting satisfaction, then move solicitors or ask to speak to the senior partner in the firm. I'll highly recommend the firm that I used. PM me if you want their name.