Dublin to New York -Competetive Airlines


Registered User
I have always flown Aer Lingus to NY but at the moment flights for the dates I need are €650 which is about €150-200 more than I usually pay.

Can anyone tell me if, in general, they have found a more competetive price elsewhere? I've looked at delta but they dont seem much cheaper.

have you tried Kayak or Skyscanner?
I've looked at delta but they dont seem much cheaper.

I flew Delta back from New York recently (it was a connecting flight). The plane was awful (Boeing 737 type plane); old, small, dirty and smelly. The picture on the TV screen in front of me was really faded and the food wasn’t great either. I hate to say it (because their customer service is so bad) but Aer Lingus are much better for long-haul flights as they use large new(ish) Air Bus’s which have better entertainment, more room and better catering facilities.
Look at the price of petrol and how that has jumped in the past six months. Airline fares have increased across the board too. Bargain basement fares are a thing of the past, we paid almost 50% more for flights on our last US trip (a few months ago) compared to 12 months previously (and previous years).

I have never had a bad experience with Delta as described by a previous poster, same cannot be said for Aer Lingus - will never fly AL again.

Best way to find the cheapest fares is www.itasoftware.com - it will bring up the cheapest routing but you need to book direct with the airlines. It's fairly safe to say, direct flights from Dublin won't be the cheapest, so it's up to you to see if the saving is worth connecting in London/Amsterdam/Paris/Copenhagen and having to do immigration & customs on arrival.
Thanks for replies folks. We're not going until September so lots of time to keep cruising. I tried all of the suggestions and the cheapest is still Aer Lingus for €600 return. We have never paid over €520 but maybe as has been suggested those fares will not be returning anytime soon.
thanks again.
This chart pretty much explains why air fares aren't as cheap as they used to be :


Oil price in € is at record highs (higher than it was when it peaked in 2008 because the Euro is a lot weaker vs. the dollar now compared to back then)

If you can wait until October fares come down a little bit (as September is still pretty high season ) .. Looks like you'd do it for €550 in October ... Also if you're not going until September and aren't totally locked into particular dates then as you say no rush to purchase - hang on and you never know there might be a bit of a sale if they've excess capacity to shift.

Unfortunately the days of €299 or even €399 fares to NYC are gone for a while at least I'd say.
We flew DELTA to and from New York earlier this year. The travel agent put together the package and said DELTA were much cheaper than Aer Lingus. At check-in we found out we were to be seated beside the toilets so opted to pay €160 (€40 x4) extra for seats further away. The in-flight entertainment was not personalised. A couple of drop down screens for all to see.
The food wasn't bad, in the context of airline food, but of the level you'd decline if not stuck in a plane.

So, DELTA seems 'cheap' but you get what you pay for. If you're looking for rock-bottom prices, then be ready for equivalent service and facilities.

The fact that your seats were beside the toilets does not have to do with Delta being cheap. You can choose your seats on Delta any time after booking so you should have been able to sort it long before check in.

Some Delta planes have drop down screens, some have seat back ones. Nothing to do with how much you pay either.
Some Delta planes have drop down screens, some have seat back ones. Nothing to do with how much you pay either.

They have older inferior planes so they can offer a cheaper service because they don't invest in capital. The two are linked.
I try to avoid Aerlingus because their customer service is so bad and their staff are so rude but their planes are good (except of the old AerArran planes; they are brutal).
I flew with them a couple of year back. The prices were very reasonable.

Newark is actually a very handy airport to get into NY from. Small shuttle train followed by a main link to the city. It was very smooth.

Price, the ticket price was very competitive.

Food was OK, comparable to other airlines.

The plane was older and small, not sure of the make exactly but I think it would have seen more suited for a short haul flight. Leg room was a little tight for me.


All in all I would fly with them again if I was on a budget. However, I flew with the girlfriend to NY last year and we flew AerLingus it was more expensive but the trip was more relaxing. The plane was new and clean with great service.
The Aer Lingus entertainment system and comfort is worth premium of €100 to me. I went last month to JFK with them. A very relaxing ride other than for the constant upsell attempts!!!!
The other thing to remember is that Delta fly into Terminal 3 in JFK, ranked by Frommers.com at number one in the bottom 10 worst airport terminals in the world. It is one of the most depressing places I have ever been in.