Dublin City Council to reduce Affordable Housing Prices

getting so fed up of this Affording Housing - its just takes so long and I dont seem to be getting any closer to my property!!!!
getting so fed up of this Affording Housing - its just takes so long and I dont seem to be getting any closer to my property!!!!

why not wait for a private one. they will be as cheap as the affordable ones soon and you'll own the whole thing (well the bank will)
Yeah I pulled out of mine recently as I hope to buy in the private market within the next 18months. Estate agent tried to hassle me on the phone but I was well able for her and she eventually got the message. I got the feeling that if you were anyway vunerable and needed a house asap as in you had kids etc, it would have put an awful lot of pressue on me.
No didn't sign contracts. They refused to drop the market rate despite the new valuation coming in about 70,000 grand cheaper. I figure a years saving and I can buy one on the open market and roughly the same price as Dublin prices are going to see a 15 per cent drop I reckon this year.
Hi folks,

I see nothing much has changed since I last logged on....I rang DCC last Tuesday to see what was happening with price reduction, re-valuation etc and was told re-valuation was done but they had no definitive answer as to how it would affect me as the price reduction is being looked after by the Dept of the Environment! But they'd know more this week.

I noticed people are posting that the price reduction is a no-no for them and i'm wondering what developments any of you who are in this situation are prospective buyers for? Mine is in Richmond Hall and I was given the impression as I'm ready to go they would do what they could to reduce the price but I'm now thinkning this was a bit of a spiel.

I'm also curious as to how/why people are signing when snags aren't complete and mortgage isn't done and dusted? And why would you're solicitor let you sign ANYTHING at still such an early stage?????

Are DCC that desperate to re-coup the money they've lost on all these empty properties cos if thats the case why is it taking a month to clean down a few walls and doors and wash the windows for my snag list!!!!
The process is just getting dragged out more and more last week I was told I would hear by Friday, heard nothing emailed her no response yet - all i get it that they are inundated with people asking for revaluation. I think any good Solicitor should advise people not to sign when snags aren't complete or there is any issue thats what I was told. Im in Royal Canal Pk which was mentioned in most of the articles as an example of where the prices are nearly the same - so hope they do something for me!
Hi Guys,

Yes i have signed one contract even tho snags are not completed and mortgage is not signed.
I feel i have been ill advised and am still not getting anywere.

the council now refuse to deal with me and will only talk to my solicitor.

on a previous post i outlined what i was told by a dcc representative re; price reduction,
i was told '' a council meeting will be taking place over the next week or two to decide what to do with prices, any price decrease will be discounted accross the board,regardless of what stage we were at in contracts''

when i braught this to the attention of the council i was told in uncertain terms that this information could not have been passed onto me as it was incorrect.
i was told there will be no price decrease ''the media took the council statement out of context''

again, when i was offered the apt it was valued at 460k
another valuation last week has it at 250k

purchase price still remains the same at 215k
valuation discrepancy 210k
Hi Kurby,
When you say "one" contract are you referring to the initial thing you sign when you agree to take the apartment and pay the first deposit of 3K? I presume that's what you mean and you havent signed "the" contract.

I was onto DCC yesterday.....it's the Dept of Env that's asssessing price reductions and I was told by DCC they'd know more today and they'd let me know as soon as they knew anything....but I got the impression it was a "don't ring us we'll ring you"

I'm not holding out any hope of a reduction in my price, my apt is in Richmond Hall, in Fairview...re-valued for mortgage at 290k, affordable asking price €255 if the current market value was around 250k I might have some chance and in that case I'd be buying privately anyway. I saw a post from someone here who'd been onto the AHP and not all areas were going to get a reduction so I'd say like someone mentioned earlier if you're in Belmayne, Royal Canal Park where open market priced have plummeted then you'd probably get a reduction. In fact if you're in Belmayne you've probably opted out as I did a few months ago.....open market price now the same as Affordable Housing price!!!!! I pity the poor private owners who paid a small fortune up there

I was pressured to sign a paper for the apt in earlscourt cork street a few days before christmas.
The 3k holding deposit was paid summer 07.
I dont even have a current mortgage as the last one expired due to lenght of time dcc dragged the process out
Hi DublinGirl11,

I was onto my contact in DCC yesterday afternoon....they were supposed to get the details of price reductions back from the DoE on Fri. A meeting was taking place yesterday evening with the powers that be in DCC and DoE (I think) and my contact was instructed once details were back they were to contact us all.

I'm not holding my breath....I'd say give it til the end of the week

Hi everyone,

I have just found out that the development where I am buying a 2 bed apt have been reduced by €100,000 on the open market. I am paying €240,000 for a 2 bed apartment and you can buy a 2 bed apt on the open market for €230,000. They have refused to reduce the asking price. I just think that its crazy to make someone pay for an affordable home with the penalty of a clawback when apartments are the same price on the open market.

It's too late for me to pull out as I have signed the contract, but I have not drawn down the mortgage. I would advise anyone who has not signed their contract to pull out and buy on the open market.

Best of luck everyone.
Hi Delphi,
I seem to recall you're buying in RCP, are you? I thought DCC had submitted ALL their developments for re-valuation AND to the Dept of Environment for review of price reductions.
At least that's what I was told.....the re-valuation on my apartment (the 2nd one by DCC I might add) is done and now I'm waiting on the DoE to sort out the price reduction. I'm buying in Richmond Hall where open market prices are still a good 100k MORE than the Affordable.

Have DCC actually come back to you to say the DoE price reduction review didn't include your development???? RCP are the main development within DCC where open market prices are as low as DCC Affordable prices!!!!! If you've no hope of getting a reduction then there's absolutely no chance of me getting one!!!!!

This is turning into a complete farce....I thought DCC were broke and just wanted these vacant apartments sold???!!!!!!
That is shocking Delphi!! Can you not get it revalued and at least get rid of the claw back altogether? Wouldn't be as bad then....
yea i am buying in Royal Canal too or was buying I have discovered other apartments in that area are selling for something similar to the Affordable Housing Price brand new and much nicer so I am going to give the private market a go - I have not heard from DCC in about 3 weeks.
Hi Folks,

I've just been in touch with DCC re. progress with my price reduction......they've reduced the asking price by 15k.....BUT it's still not enough to proceeed with the mortgage lender I'm already approved for....short by 8k!!!

I'd advise anyone who's waiting on a price reduction to get onto DCC ASAP....because they obviously have the figures back from the DoE.

Funnily enough the re-valued it also and that came in at 10k more than the valuation by the lender!!! I don't know how they work that one out as it implies the property has increased in value in about a month...or they're over-valuing everything.....as we all guessed they were anyway!!!

So confused now don't know what to do!!!!!!!!