Dublin City Council to reduce Affordable Housing Prices

i 2nd you on that one!
Hi Guys cheer for reply,

I had emailed the local councillor but have had no reply so i guess i will go into them again as i have just heard further reports of the prices being slashed so i recon this will haunt me if i am not direct to the point at this stage.

I am in limbo

I have been fully mortgage approved now but am in process of being approved by another bank with a much better rate so i think i will bite the bullet and head into the council myself today.

Will let you guys know how i get on but if i must deal with the person looking after my case i hold no hope.
Hi Guys,

I just spoke to dcc ( can i name names? ) who told me that the council were only discussing the option of reducing prices upto 25% at a general meeting.

Apparently there is a new newsletter being issued in a few weeks and nothing will be announced untill then.

Also, any reduction in price will be accross the board meaning that anyone who has not closed before the time any decision will be made will be eligable for the discount.

I am sure this discussion will become broader with further twists and turns to come fingers crossed there will be a posative outcome.
I can't understand why they'd proceed with the new newsletter when there's loads of us they can just get off the books and out of their hair by giving us the discount and letting us sign on the dotted line.
When I spoke to my contact in DCC yesterday he gave me the impression the reduction would be agreed on next week.....fingers crossed!!!
Does anyone know if the planned 25% reduction is a flat 25% off all properties or could it end up like 5%??

We know that the council need to create liquidity but here's hoping they arent just gone make things more complicated, after all a new valuation for people even close to signing already will delay the process again, im not looking forward to another 12 months wait.
Hi guys,

I hate to put the dampners on things but I've been informed by the Affordable Homes Partnership that the 25% reduction will ONLY apply to a 'small few' affordable homes. Basically, in areas where the market price has dropped to near enough the same value as the affordable house then the reduction will be offered.

I was told that (even though I have not signed the contract) my property will not be included in the reduction.

Their no. is 01 656 4100 if any of you want to check this out further. Let me know if ya hear any different.

All the best!
Hi guys,
The Affordable Housing Partnership is a different thing to the Dublin City Councils scheme, isn't it? Or am I thinking of the Affordable Housing Inititiative???
I haven't been dealing with anyone other than DCC personnel on my purchase but have seen AHP mentioned in loads of posts by people.....and no one in DCC has ever mentioned the AHP to me.
Does anyone know where AHP fit into the whole thing?
Is the Affordable Housing Partnership not just the body the operates with all the County Councils throughout the country it seems to have application forms for them all - - but since we are with Dublin City we just deal with them - I only deal with the girl in Dublin City too - - dont think they would know anything about individual cases or estates
My understanding is that the AHP was set up to fast track applications from people who earn over 40,000 and they were given a budget and bought a number of properties around the country. They work with the Council in relation to these properties but they deal with most of the admin work when buying the property. I know some blocks where some are DCC and others are AHP properties.
Anyone heard anything about their re-valuations by Dublin City - i was on today and they are still waiting they said cud take weeks
Got another valuation from bank on the apartment i was offered, last year dcc quoted it at 460k i was offered it for 215k
the latest valuation is 265k and i am still being offered it for 215k

i will ask the council to re value
apparently it takes up to 3 weeks from when your submit your Bank's valuation to Dublin City for them to come back with their revised one
Did you pay to get it revalued? I was onto my lender yesterday and they told me i shouldnt have to waste another €127 for a revaluation, considering the thing is so far away from completion. They reackon its up to the council to revalue it.
My solicotor has asked for a revaluation? Dont know why.
Were trying to get out of it all now at this stage so my case is probably a bit different from all your own though.
yupp had to pay - now Dublin Corp doing their own but I had to have my own to prompt them to do it.
Should be easy to drop if you have not signed your contracts bit diff if you have

We have signed some contract but not a closing one or anything like it, its due to be ready spring the latest, 09 that is, cant see it happening, not a stone turned in the ground on the site?
Thanks very much this is helpful. I have been told on Friday morning by DCC that there is no negociating but clearly i see that others have managed it. I may have to be a bit more demanding of them. At this point I feel Its a bit of a gamble, maybe id be better of staying a happy renter!
I'm about to sign contracts with DCC for a 2 bed apartment in dub city centre incl parking for €270k. I opened today's property supplement and there are 3 developments in dub city centre offering 2 bed apartments inc parking for 270.

DCC we have a problem.
i signed a contract very very recently due to pressure from dcc and estate agent even though the place isnt ready to move in, i havent even signed contract for mortgage yet and snag list hasnt been looked at by estate agents.

Now i see why all the pressure,
On a recent re valuation from my bank the value of the property has been halfed leaving a modest discount from dcc.
after presenting this to dcc via my solicitor i got a Very short reply stating '' at this stage it is imposible for dcc to consider ammending the price due to part of the contract being signed, contrary to what i had been told by a dcc representative only last week,

( ffs dcc, the place still is not ready for me to move in, only part of the contract has been signed and i would be very supprised if the ink is dry )