Dublin City Council and water shortages!


Registered User
On Tuesday night at about 7.30 our water was cut off by DCC. Given what happened earlier this year I didn't mind as I knew it was to try and prevent leaks and curtail water shortages. Thankfully I had filled the kettle of water for the next morning.

An announcement was made to say this would occur over the next few night. I was OK with that. So yesterday evening I rushed to get home before 7, to fill some saucepans with water, so I could do the dinner, have enough for tea and fill the tank in the attic - in case there was no water - etc.

To my surprise last night our water was not cut off! So by DCC panicking and making announcements about cutting off water, they caused me to panic and to store up some water! Wastage!

From what I've been told, the water pressure is low so some areas will suffer cut-offs each night but the entire city will not be cut off every night.
That was my understanding too - depends on your location. Because the pressure is low, where you are situated may amount to a virtual cut-off.
I have a beer keg which the top has been cut off and the sharp edges folded down. About 50l. I just fill that with water. Each night to refill I pour half of it out if the water is on and then I am boiling the water and cooling it in the fridge. It is working well. Keeps it fresh. To be honest, it tastes nicer than out of the tap.

I have heard of people filling baths. I would not like to drink water from the bath, clean as it may be.

While we are not quite third world, you've got the cryptospiridium in Galway and me with my keg and others topping up from the bath!
When we turned on our tap in the morning we had a run of dirty brown water....so we left our tap running until it disappeared.....kind of defeats the purpose of the exercise.