Dublin Car flags

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Anybody know where you can buy those car flags that clip on to the side windows of cars in the Dublin colours. Pampering an 11-year old wish I must say. My allegiances lie with another county with less (read No) All Ireland aspirations. PS Penneys used to sell them but hadn't them the last time I was there.
I'm also coming under the same sort of pressure.

I was in Tommy's in Blanch yesterday looking for these. They hadn't any left. They suggested Argos but I hadn't time to check there.

Carrolls Irish Gifts - lots of outlets in town, or online through buy4now.ie

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Saw them advertised in a petrol station on either the Howth Rd or the Malahide Rd. I think it was the one almost opposite the church in Donnycarney on the Malahide rd.
Hansov - if you get them can you let us know where you managed to find them?

I think Statoil are selling them with a % of the profits going to the players fund.
I think supermac's are selling them (giving them away?) too.
I saw a sign in one of their outlets at the weekend about getting a flag in your county colours
Thanks everybody - got them in Statoil - those with the Fareplay shops are the ones to go to. 5 euros each tho'.
Be aware, in the light of escalating petrol prices, that these flags raise the consumption of petrol. I'm not sure what the percentage is but even global warming should be a consideration if not the price of petrol.
So now you have me wishing for a quick exit for Dublin. Ah joanmul you must be from Westmeath . Global warming I understand, an 11 year-old understands. However you try and convince him that the wee flag fluttering behind my SUV is doing damage to the planet and that Dublin fans invading a pitch in sheer ectasy has damaged and compacted the Croke Park undersoil
Hope you got one with the spelling right- was behind one today with "Bail Atha Cliath" written on it.....
There's a photo in Metro or Herald AM this morning promoting the sale of Dublin flags in STATOIL stations. The Dublin senior football squad benefit from the proceed of these.
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