Dublin bus crash 2 years ago today-no mention of it?


Registered User
The Wellington Quay bus tragedy happened 2 years ago today. Does anyone else find it strange that it's not mentioned in the media??
Me neither. If there is nothing new to report then why should it be mentioned?

What I did find strange was today's Irish Times:

"No trouble at Linfield v Derry City Setanta Cup fixture"

Since when did the non occurrence of something constitute news? :confused:
evanne said:
The Wellington Quay bus tragedy happened 2 years ago today. Does anyone else find it strange that it's not mentioned in the media??

I agree. There are anniversaries referred to in the papers relating to different tragedies all the time. What about Stardust whose 25th anniversary was being marked by the families regardless of the RTE programme. There have been gatherings at Liverpool FC to remember the Hillsborough tragedy on many anniversaries - these have been reported. Etc Etc.

clubman said:
If there is nothing new to report then why should it be mentioned?

People mark anniversaries. It's like the "this date in history" columns in the papers - people like to be reminded. Doesn't have to be anything new in it. For most people anyway. I'm sure you are one of the exceptions!
Nothing new means no news. If there was a march in town to commemorate the crash or new evidence brought to light about the crash then that might be worthy of news coverage. I think you're confusing editorialisation and op-ed style pieces with real news coverage. The Stardust issue is an order of magnitude more important than the Wellington Quay crash given the number of people killed, the circumstances and the fact that the reprecussions (in particular relating to attribution of culpability and responsibility for compensation) are ongoing (as far as I know). If we were to commemorate every traffic accident in which c. 5 people were killed then we'd be doing one nearly every day.
podgerodge said:
For most people anyway. I'm sure you are one of the exceptions!
Seeing that you're getting unnecessarily personal about this, will you be commemorating the deaths of the 5 Eastern Europeans in Donegal at the weekend next year? Or [broken link removed] on the NCR last April? Or every other road fatality each year? If so, how?
ClubMan said:
Seeing that you're getting unnecessarily personal about this, will you be commemorating the deaths of the 5 Eastern Europeans in Donegal at the weekend next year? Or [broken link removed] on the NCR last April? Or every other road fatality each year? If so, how?

I didn't think I was getting unnecessarily personal, just being lighthearted hence my exclamation mark at the end of my comment!
I'm sure some people will be commerating those events.
I'm sure that the bereaved next of kin will mark such events. It doesn't make the anniversaries newsworthy though.
..not putting any event ahead of another but there are atrocities & tragic occurancies occuring quite frequently ...both here and abroad..... should each of them be reported upon on their 1st, 2nd, 5th 10th anniversaries?

Strange then that the undiagnosed heart problem of Louise Scotson (30) that precipitated a heart attack whilst residing illegally in NY is the centre of a fund-raising in Ireland. Is anyone on AAM personally acquainted with the Ukranian family that is suffering the loss of a family member?

No. Thought not.
Max Hopper said:
Strange then that the undiagnosed heart problem of Louise Scotson (30) that precipitated a heart attack whilst residing illegally in NY is the centre of a fund-raising in Ireland. Is anyone on AAM personally acquainted with the Ukranian family that is suffering the loss of a family member?

No. Thought not.
What exactly is the point of these two non sequiturs? :confused:
Louise made today's Irish fishwrappers. The poor souls who perished under the wheels of a Dublin bus two years ago did not.
I haven't read a newspaper in a few weeks now so missed that. Whatever you think about her case at least it's contemporary. The same cannot really be said for an accident, no matter how tragic, that happened two years ago.
evanne said:
The Wellington Quay bus tragedy happened 2 years ago today. Does anyone else find it strange that it's not mentioned in the media??

Yes, the whole situation is a bit strange.

Check out an earlier thread "How to crash a light rail system".
Search under "Wellington Quay".

Last I heard charges were being brought so, it seems, no report which was supposed to be due 6 weeks after bus ran over bus queue.
Anyone have any further information?
The DPP [broken link removed] not to publish the report back in 2004 due to the possibility of charges arising from the accident. I think that this bar on the report being published remains and charges have since been made with a court date set to April 2006. When the related court case starts then it will be newsworthy once again. Not as it stands, just because it was two years ago, as far as I can see.