Dublin airport


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In dublin airport this morning the queue from gate a was nearly reaching gate b at the other end of the departure floor. What is going on someone said they are on a go slow, or a go slower than usual
People must have been missing flights this morning
This will annoy you even more..remember that you are charged between €5 and €7.90 to go through that security check....for the fun of it..

on a plus side though at least now you don't have to take your shoes off..for men at least!
They're is no official union sanctioned industrial action. My understanding is that a number of the security checkers have been told their contracts will not be renewed in the autumn, hence perhaps they are now being more "thorough" then in the past simply to stick 2 fingers up at the DAA

That action wont gain them any massive public sympathy....
This must be linked to that other story that's been circulating about the Ryanair passengers who can't make it to their gate on time having checked in online with no hold baggage.

The advice is now to arrive with at least an hour and a half to spare - I imagine that should be two hours or more during the peak periods.

What is it about our wee airport that makes it such a nightmare of ridiculous snakey queues either for checkin or security? I've never experienced it the same in other Airports... tho Rome Fiumincino did come close...
If all the security staff in Dublin Airport were sacked and replaced with trained monkeys we'd be better off. The security procedures and practices are nothing short of pathetic. Purely based on the security check, Dublin Airport is the worst airport on this planet - bar none.

Try flying to the US, via Miami airport. You might then revise your opinion.
Certainly ties in with my experience last week. It isn't the most invigorating of jobs and you probably have to deal with some real tulips in it so I tend to try and give them a smile and make it easy for them, but being rummaged repeatedly by one of the "thorough" security staff because I set off the alarm was a bit of an annoyance (btw - the sensitivity of the detectors in Dublin seems to be in general higher than those in the UK, as I generally set off the one in Dublin but never any in the UK. Not with intent and not with the usual change and mobile phones in the pocket, it seems to be my glasses!)
There's a sysyem in some airports whereby you put all your stuff (belt, shoes, machete, etc) in the tray AND THEN join the queue to go through the scanner.

This saves huge amounts of time as it means that no-one is waiting for someone to "de-metal" immediately before the point at which they enter the scanner. It puts less pressure on those who may be afraid they're holding up the queue and generally makes for a smoother experience.

Might be too simple though.
Use Shannon airport, It's great.No queues, Head up to the airport 40 mins before your flight, walk straight through to departures, Might even get in a pint in on the way.

Dublin airport is by far the worst airport I've ever had the misfortune to fly out of.
Dublin airport is by far the worst airport I've ever had the misfortune to fly out of.

Try Warsaw airport. They don't update the board, you have to go through security before you check in, very rude staff and if you have to pay for overweight luggage you have to go back out through security, pay and queue again through security.

Absolute nightmare. Dublin is easy compared to there.
Worst I've ever come across is Vienna.

While French airports may look nice and modern, as a general rule, they are very poorly run.
Use Shannon airport, It's great.No qeues, Head up to the airport 40 mins before your flight, walk straight through to departures, Might even get in a pint in on the way.
I’ve only been in Shannon airport on one of those stupid forced stop-over’s on my way home from the USA. It was the middle of the night and everything was closed, even the vending machines were broken. The parts of the building I was were dirty and old, I was knackered and resentful about having to stop so I wasn’t in the best frame of mind to draw a good impression!

Dublin airport is by far the worst airport I've ever had the misfortune to fly out of.
I fly quite a lot, maybe 100-150 flights a year. Dublin is small and cramped but run better than most.
Worst I've ever come across is Vienna.

While French airports may look nice and modern, as a general rule, they are very poorly run.

Was that the new building (i think it was opened in 07). I found it quite a good airport.

Free wi-fi , no queue at security.
Try Brussels. Check in queues for different flights all merging and jumbling together, no restaurants or shops after you go through security, and impossible sometimes to find out what gate your flight is departing from.

I fly quite a lot, maybe 100-150 flights a year. Dublin is small and cramped but run better than most.

East Midlands would be bottom of my list, cramped, poor facilities once you check in and you have to queue for a minicab if you're going anywhere as there is no taxi rank

Montreal and C de G in Paris would also be down there, in fact any airport built in the 70s would be towards the bottom of the list

I like City in London, small but almost perfectly formed, and also Luton Airport, although perhaps that is more wishful thinking after spending a day in Luton itself
Try Seattle, where you collect your bags off the conveyor belt, go through customs, then they take your bags off you again while you get the shuttle train to the other terminal, and you wait to get your bags off yet another conveyor belt.