Dublin Airport Long Term Parking €4.50 pd

And again Thank you Smash Box.
Probably would not have picked up on the lower rate without you!
For me, its a balancing act with convenience V. price V. the wonderful but lengthy 16A bus ride. So balancing it all out - leaving work, time out, price, getting back in to work, etc.,etc makes sense to park up and drive/park .

It might not be all that convenient, but it is certainly cheaper to go in to Long Term.
1hr 10 min at the short term parking lot cost me 7.50 yesterday (3.50 for the first hr, 4 euro thereafter)!!!
Another benefit of booking carparking online is that you simply drive up to the barrier & it lifts automatically as it reads your number plate. (make sure its clean!) - Same on way out. No fumbling for ticket, going to machine etc.

4.50 a day is very good, but it seem to be just a short term promotional price.