Dublin Airport: Early start very long queues at T1 and T2.


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So I travel a fair bit with work which involves a 4.30am start and early flight from Dublin airport. Terminal 1 is always bad for massive queues on a Monday morning. If you need to check luggage in, you could be queuing for half an hour and then another twenty minutes for security.

This morning I used T2 for the first time. It seemed to be nearly as bad. 10 minutes waiting to 'bag drop' for Aer Lingus and another 15 for security...... Am I just a grumpy Monday morning traveller or is there something fundamentally wrong with how the airport is operated? In particular the security process seems to be REALLY slow....security staff chatting away to each other and not focussing on efficiently processing people through.... Security staff generally indifferent to the point of rudeness...I heard one shout to another this morning 'don't bother trying to talk to her, can't you see she doesn't speak English' in the presence of a confused traveller!
Travelled in and out of T2 this week also. Found security etc to be ok but what I did find annoying was the lenght of time it takes to retrieve your bags!

Every other airport I have been to you rarely wait more than 10-15 minutes. Most actually have your bags already spinning around by the time you get to reclaims.

Dublin airport has been notoriosly slow for donkeys years
I remember walking to the gate to get a Ryanair flight last year

Such a walk I thought I was in Co Meath!
Haven't been to T2 yet, but it doesn't surprise me. I sometimes fly from Cork, and after the new terminal was opened a big deal was made at how quickly it will be for travelers to check in and get through security. While I have found check in to work quite quickly I have found security appalling. The last time I was there, on a quiet Thursday afternoon, there was a Scottish business man in the queue ahead of me. At this stage there were about 50 people in the queue and we had been standing still for 25 minutes. When we eventually got to the front the Scottish guy asked security if there was some alert or other reason for such a delay. No word of a lie, the security woman turned around and said "Mind your own <> business if you don't want trouble".
Once we cleared security I talked to the Scottish guy and wondered if he wanted me to help with making a complaint. He said that in all his traveling he had not been treated so rudely and that he was simply going to vote with his feet. He was a business owner looking to expand and Ireland was one of a couple of countries he was looking at. He said that his decision had been literally made in that instant.
Used T2 for a red eye flight on Sunday 6th March.

Hugely impressed , bag drop and clearing security was a doddle , just as well as we were somewhat late in arriving at the Airport.

Liverpool were playing Utd. on the same day & as Liverpool fans queued up at the bag screening machine the Security woman was chanting " Rooney , Rooney " - brought a smile to everyone's face particularly given the time of the morning !
Haven't flown via T2 yet but have gone out from the new one in Cork. It's a big heap of glass with no atmosphere. The old one had a certain charm and I would have preferred if it was just updated/modernised instead. Can't say the old terminal in Dublin had much charm though, anytime I flew to/from there it was alway packed and the low ceilings esp on arrival bugged me. Nowhere near as bad a Heathrow or GDG though.
I remember walking to the gate to get a Ryanair flight last year

Such a walk I thought I was in Co Meath!

I think the gate is near Navan. Heathrow is a kip BTW, give me Dublin any time. I like Berlin's Schonfeld and Vienna's Schewat. I think they unload the bags while the aircraft is landing in Vienna the bag pick-up is so quick.
Collected OH from Dublin Airport last Friday night, his flight landed 11pm.

After the flight landed there was a massive queue to get through passport control with just 2 staff processing hundreds of people. A number of people in the queue began to loudly complain and were told by a young official that it was nothing to do with him, it was the guards they needed to complain to. As it happened Joe Duffy was in the queue and some people began shouting to him (in a friendly way) to expose the inefficiency on his next show.

After the ardous queue to get through, baggage reclaim was also slow and finally, almost an hour after touchdown the OH walked out through arrivals.

Headed for the carpark and only 2 of the ticket pay machines were in service so more queues and grumpy people.

Finally got to the car and found ourselves in a massive queue of cars in the carpark, there was a guard outside the carpark checking tax and insurance resulting in chaos in the carpark as no one inside could see what was happening and it was taking ages to get out.

Finally - 1 hour and 30 minutes after his flight had landed we managed to exit the airport.
I travel quite a lot for work, not so much this year but over the last few years I would have averaged around 80 flights a year.
Dublin Airport is one of the better airports to get through. If you want queues then go to the USA; 1 hour and 45 minutes to clear security the last time.

I don't think the walk to the new section of T1 is that bad either. It's less than 10 minutes from security.

That's worth raising at a higher level. You should write to the papaers at least.
Travel through T1 once or twice a month and found security much quicker since T2 opened. Certainly it's much faster then City Airport in London which can take up to an hour of an evening to get though at around 5.30. (Although in fairness, they are expanding the area in City). Never found the staff in Dublin to be rude, although I do wonder sometimes how alert they actually are, sometimes there seems to be a bit too much talking going on. Of course, no airport is helped by the behaviour of passengers not emptying their pockets or rowing with staff over bottles
In other airports, they have a system where you remove jackets, coins, shoes etc at remote tables BEFORE joining a single queue to go through one of several scanners.

It means you don't get stuck disproporitonately behind someone searching for an evasive 10 cent coin.
Do a good bt of travel every year: Found T2 excellent at anytime I've gone through there. You're lucky people had the manners to que, I've been to airports where no que's are enforced, it's a free-for-all - " The harder we push, the quicker we'll get through" mentality.
I have generally found Dublin Airport ok, most of the hold ups seem to be caused by people only deciding to empty pockets/remove belts etc as they are walking though the security checks.

By far the worst I have ever experienced is London Gatwick..just a nightmare from the minute you arrive
Dublin is a breeze. Heathrow is okay. Gatwick is unpleasant but if you are really looking for a dump then London Luton (and I've been thro' it countless times) takes the biscuit. Didn't like a few airports I've been thro' in Africa or eastern Europe much but I'd rate Luton slightly less well than Tunis.

Scary part about Luton Airport is that it's probably the best part of Luton. Don't like it in the summer with all the package holiday brigade but I've found it ok in the winter.

Can't stand East Midlands, no public transport worth talking about, or a taxi rank, just a mini cab office
I cannot understand how an architect can desigh somewhere like the new T2 terminal yet not allow enough room for people to stand comfortably just at the point before you put your bags on the conveyor belt at security. It is almost a carbon copy of the old T1 section. Everyone is squashed in a very small area.
Also why did someone not put in place a few tables and chairs in the area immediately just after you walk through security so you can put your belt back on, coat back on, collect your bits and pieces etc.
All that space on one side and no space on the other side.

Another thing. You have to walk back to terminal one to get the bus back to the Quickpark car park. Why did they not put the bus park between the two terminals or allow a pick up point?
"Another thing. You have to walk back to terminal one to get the bus back to the Quickpark car park. Why did they not put the bus park between the two terminals or allow a pick up point?"

That's all of a 150m walk from the exit of T2 to the bus-stop,isn't it?
Flew from T2 a week ago. 45 mins in a huge queue to check-in. Not impressed.