A 50% increase in labour cost will certainly effect your bottom line as a developer - construction, landscaping, finishing - and it will mean a price increase.
Those are the labour costs in the area, its not about the developer being fair. If you go ireland and pay 10euro and hour min wage or whatever it is, thats life in ireland. Where I am now in Asia the average wage is $120 a month. Im not going to suddenly pay everyone $500 because where i come from people get paid more. The cost of living equates to the wages. People can support a family of 5 with just over $4 a day here. The problem in dubai is now the cost of living is increasing rapidly and this has a knock on effect to the end pricing on a number of levels
I dont think there will be a civil unrest issue personally. All those migrants come to work to send money home, so its their choice if they want to travel to dubai to do that. there are too many benefits in dubai and the sheik is doing a good job - if migrant workers started protesting violently they would be ruthlessly dealt with I think