Dual sided wooden stove


Registered User

We are going to put a dual-sided wooden stove into our house. Would anyobdy have seen and/or recommened one please. I have never seen one in action myself bit I like the idea of them and they would really suit the layout of our kitchen-dining to living room.

Wooden stoves are used in Siberia where the poor have no money to buy a real one. So they use a wet hollow tree trunk which would last about a few days until it starts to combust itself. I suppose this installation wouldn't be legal here in Ireland.
Hi Heinbloed,

That is really facinating ;) but I think what the lady meant was a dual sided wood burning stove!


Yes, I meant wood.... I have 2 babies....no sleep...some days the English fails me big time.
I tried to improve my own bad English with an attempt to copy some dry humor. Sorry , I realy have no idea about dual sided stoves. But keep in mind that stoves should get very hot at their surfaces, hotter than radiators for example. This might not be appreciated when two little todlers are crawling around, however, many of us managed to grow up somehow in stove heated homes.
What's the alternative to a dual sided stove? A single sided stove? Wouldn't that only be practical in a two dimensional space? :confused:
I have seen huge stoves-as high as the ceiling- build from clay and tiles which are part of one room as well as of an other room, they use them in Berlin and parts of northern Europe. It takes ages (well, many hours) to heat them up due to their mass (1-2 tonnes!) but then they heat several rooms without the need for a pumped heat distribution. Could these be meant?
Ive seen such a dual door wood burning stove in a friend's house recently. The stove sits in the wall between two rooms. The appliance has two glass doors which open into room A and room B.. The advantages are that the heat radiates into two rooms and that the fuel can be loaded into the applicance from each room. Rather clever! The stove is relatively high 1m to 1.5m and while there were toddlers in the house I dont remember it causing a problem.

I think heinbloed would be pleased with this arrangement as it is an improvement on having the back side of the stove on an external wall leading to heat loss.

Clubman, I think your concept "a one dimentional room heater" has potential but that some of the finer engineering details need to be "ironed out" first.


Yes, that is what we would be trying to achive...2 rooms would have the stove fire effect and heat. At the moment we have a rather good firegaurd that keeps crawling babies away from the fire place so we could use that for a while. I just have never seen one in action so I was curious to know if anybody had.
We are planning to put a dual sided stove in too and have done some research. Try Glorney Chimneys 42 Sundrive Road, Kimmage, Dublin Tel 01 492 1355. They seem to be the best on price with the Barbas range of dual stoves. Fenton fires in Greystones were not great re price and service in shop. Hearth and Home on Fonthill Road know there stuff and have some very interesting stoves. Depends what price you want to pay. Jotul and Barbas seem to be the main models on sales. we are going with the Barbas model.

Another thing you have to consider is installation by a qualified installer, there is no point in buying this if you cant get a guy to put in in properly. Check this out.