DSPCA suffers €500k fire damage


Registered User
The DSPCA suffered over €500,000 worth of fire damage on Sunday night. Most urgent is the replacement of winter feed for their animals. They're looking for donations to help them over the winter - if you can spare anything do please consider making a small donation.

As a non-political charity the DSPCA do great (and often dangerous) work, and receive no government assistance.

Details of the fire [broken link removed].
Just signed up for monthly donation, I had actually been meaning to do this for ages!
I just heard about this last night as I was away over the weekend. I was devastated to hear this news as it will be an awful setback for the charity. I'm a member for years so I've been kept informed about all the amazing hard work to move to new premises and be able to take care of even more animals suffering abuse. Really and truly they do one hell of job. It is easy for me to hand over a few bob every month but they have to cope with all the trauma and upset of helping abused animals recover and then try to re-home them when possible. I don't know how they handle it - I know I couldn't.

I really feel for them as the government, who gave very little to their huge expenses even during the boom, will no doubt be giving less if not nothing this year as it's all going to the banks instead. I fear that donations may be down to as people are tightening their own belts, naturally enough. But I would appeal to people, if they can manage a few spare euros, now is the time to give it. Even a once-off payment just to help them get through this awful time.

Or if anyone has old blankets they have been meaning to get rid off, they could do with those to help keep the larger animals warm. They do have a wish list too... every little helps. Here's the link to the wish list...it doesn't always have to be money. [broken link removed]

I guess they will be looking for a new tractor now too...what a mess

PS I think I will do the mini-marathon this year...why don't some of you think about joining me Good for you and good for our four-legged friends.
Very sad and I had not heard.

Thanks for highlighting. Have sent the video link to a few friends and will certainly take out my cheque book later.
Thanks for the heads up - its only up the road from me, im a regular visitor and donator, will certainly up my donations in light of this.