Drumcondra to Naas Rd - avoiding M50?

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Anyone know a good route or have any hints/tips? This would be morning rush hour(ish)
you are going out of your way if you use the M50.

I would head in the general direction of, smithfield, along side phonix park up through inchicore towards naas road.
you are going out of your way if you use the M50.

Really? Don't know Dublin that well - I would have thought the M50 would have helped, maybe not.

I would head in the general direction of, smithfield, along side phonix park up through inchicore towards naas road

Yeah, with my albeit limited knowledege I was kind of thinking along those lines.

Avoiding the entire M50 or just the toll?

Not sure - have to check (enquiring on somone's behalf) but if you can answer both ways even better I guess!
Drumcondra, smithfield, over liffey turn right. Follow road past heuston to next roundabout and turn left. Then a sharp right 50m up, follow road straight to bring you onto the naas rd.
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