Drowning in junk mail


Registered User
Maybe this should be in letting off steam but today's mail finally broke the camel's back. We got the equivalent of 2 Amazonian rainforests in junkmail ( well maybe not quite that much but you get the drift ). Only one item of mail was normal ( the credit card bill yuch ) . The rest were ads for property funds, invitations to mbna etc.etc. In addition to envelope'd junk there was a parcel from An Post with the 4homes xmas brochure, local business leaflets, slimming classes ( ? do they know something I don't ? ) & so on. Is there any central way to stop all these. It is really getting beyond a joke. The thought of this waste and the damage done to the environment just to produce it is sickening.
Contact the Irish Direct Marketing Association re getting yourself removed from their members lists. There is also a form available from the post office. This won't get rid of stuff that is delivered 'privately' but you could put up a sign saying 'No unaddressed mail' to deter delivery people.
How about this for a proposal: An Post must take back all unwanted junk mail within a week of delivery! That would give the recipient time to read the stuff and keep what they need. Importantly, it would take the onus of the recipient to dump/recycle the material and put the onus back on the distributors. Obviously, An Post would go postal but they could charge the distributor for returns.....
Just stick all your junk mail in any freepost envelopes that you get with it. Maybe leave it a few weeks so that the sender's licensed/meter post contract term runs out and it costs them more money to receive your junk back.
Heard of a guy who actually made a point of soliciting all the junk mail he could get - he had a cheap manual compressor type thing and converted the paper into log type things as fuel - didn't need any other type of fuel apparently.
Sounds like his hot air would have powered a small village too. :)

Meaning you don't believe it?

Saw something very similar on tv too - some American guy who was costcutting everywhere.

...if it's on TV it must be true. ;)