Dropping Chorus, how do you get RTE etc?


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Thinking of getting rid of Chorus. How do you get RTE etc. In Cork if thats anyway relevant?
Get an aerial and stick it into the back of the TV and do an auto search of the stations via the tv menu. You should be able to get the basic channels. BBC, TV3 , UTV etc

Also, if you cancel chorus - take the card out of the Chorus box you can still get RTE 1 with the box.
in Technical terms what does cap the line mean ?

I have been disconnected from Chorus for the last couple of months and I can still get this channel and 1 or 2 others, but everything else I cannot get !
Ah right, I live in an apartment, so maybe thats why I can still get it !
Looks like the previous owner had an ariel in the attic. Would one work in the attic or was he just storing it there?
try cutting the ftype end off the chorus cable, and put a tv end on, should work. If they didnt come to collect the equipment its unlikely they cut or capped the cable....Yet....