Driving test - nerves!


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Hi all, I have my driving test this wednesday in fonthill and had a pre-test on Sat. The instructor said that I should pass, that I am a good driver but that I have bad habits like all that i need to knock out of my system (which I have been working on since), and my nerves are affecting me. Even now I feel sick thinking about the test. Has anyone any advice on how to make myself a bit calmer, I know that I am a good driver but if this keeps up I will be in a heap on the day. I'm really stressing myself out also trying to learn all the different questions and scenarios they may be likely to ask me. Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated!
A few drops of Bachs Rescue Remedy helped me when I sat mine...
You'll find that when you start your test, there won't be any pressure.

I remember on my first test, I was very calm, I actually enjoyed it. I was convinced I was driving beautifully, and sure I would pass.
It was a beautiful day, and there was very little traffic on the road.
Then he told me I failed on about 10 things, 2 of them critical.

You got to be philosophical about it. Just say to yourself, if I do this test 10 times, then surely I will pass it, hopefully the first time, but if not, the second time, or third time.

If you fail, you learn a lot from the experience, and it's more likely you will pass the next time.

The pass rate is about 50%, so if it was a random event, there would be a 50% chance of failing it once, a 25% chance of failing it twice, a 12.5% chance of failing it three times, and a 6% chance of failing it four times.

If you take on a good attitude, you have nothing to worry about.
Thanks all.

Was considering the rescue remedy CMR but I think that might be more of a mental thing, and I'm not sure it would work for me. I'll prob buy some anyway though. Thanks all for your suggestions though. BTW anyone know the fonthill route well that can over any tips?
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Even if it only has the placebo effect on me I'd be happy! (although I think I may already be a bit to sceptical for that )
Any other suggestions aside from rescue remedy to combat nerves?

Ask your GP - the best thing you'll get over the counter in a chemist is actually Rescue Remedy, if you need something stronger you'll need to see your GP.

Meditation is a good nerve calmer, but if youve no experience with it you probably wont have time between now and Wednesday.

What about a bit of good old fashioned hard exercise that leaves you worn out and aching? Great stress reliever, will tire you enough to sleep and hopefully if you ache enough you'll be too concerned with pain to worry about the test!
A bath and good night's sleep the night before, listen carefully on the day and think before you execute any manoevre.

Take it easy - a lot of people do the reversing around the corner and turning the car around too quickly - understandable as it's usually something that has been well practiced, but try not to launch into it. Remember, you can angle the passenger side mirror downwards to see the kerb more easily. Just remember to adjust it back again!
Thanks Caveat and Truthseeker, both very helpful.

Caveat, I was wondering about the mirror for reversing around corner and instructor put it in the right position for me the other day so I just left it. Prob not the right position for driving though. Should i be seen to change the mirror at this point during the test? I would have to lean over the instructor to do this...eek!

If you tell the tester what you are doing and why you can do stuff you wouldnt think of doing. On the day of mine the windows steamed up madly and even with the air blowing visibility was bad - I asked him if it was ok for me to pull in and clear the windows with a cloth. He said fine so I did.
I also had a junction situation where the other car had right of way but kept flashing me to go - I told the tester i would not go as I believed it was unsafe to 'assume' that he meant go, he could have meant he was going. So I just sat there.
Should i be seen to change the mirror at this point during the test? I would have to lean over the instructor to do this...eek!

I did it during my test. I just excused myself and reached over mumbling something about adjusting the mirror and then did the same afterwards to readjust back to the normal driving position. Tester didn't bat an eyelid.
Did you pass?
I did.
During my test my L-plate detached from the front window and floated down and sort of slurped onto the testers face like a scene from The Mask as well.
I reckon I drove ok, but I was quite unflappable re unexpected events like the L-plate or people flashing me to go or having to clean steamy windows and maybe that tipped it in my favour? I dont know - its a bit of a lottery methinks.
I failed twice because of nevousness - The examiner got nervous the first time because I turned onto the wrong side of the road, and again the second time because I drove onto the wrong side of a dual carriageway.....

On my third attempt I had the same examiner and I think I technically failed before I even left the car park. The examiner told me to stop the car - I thought he was going to get out and tell me I had failed again. Instead he said we were going to start again, and I was to take a few deep breaths and get a grip. I was almost ************************* after that!
The examiner got nervous the first time because I turned onto the wrong side of the road, and again the second time because I drove onto the wrong side of a dual carriageway.....

Is it wrong that I laughed when I read this?! Poor examiner... :0)
Did you pass the third time? Or ever?