Driving Test Earlier today


Registered User
Did the D1 driving test today (minibus- 16 seater) and failed. Am gutted as need it for volunteer work Im doing.

Really annoying thing is I failed on 'progression' and 'gears'.

I know I drove very safely, and was very concious of checing mirrors, road position etc. Reactions and everything else were fine, also. In fact pretty much clear sheet except for the above two.

Its really annoying me as its basically because I didnt get up to 50kmph in the area. The limit in the area was 50kmph and I did between 40 and 50 top speed at most.

Also was stopping and starting a lot - a lot of traffic so spent a lot of time in 3rd gear and probably should have gotten up to 4th a bit more.

Its so frustrating. Guess Il just have to improve on this the next time
Its a damed if you do and damed if you don't scenario when it comes to hitting the speed limit while undergoing the test. Testers would view it as impeding other road users if you are driving under the limit during busy periods. Try to take the positives from it that you have clean sheet for the other areas of test and apply to do it again. Best of luck.