driving test dates


Registered User

Just wondering if anybody who applied for the test in and around the date of the recent fiasco regarding 2nd prov drivers not being allowed to drive alone, then were, (depending on who you listened to at the time) has recieved a test date back yet?

I applied, recieved confirmaton that they got my money, I then sent in a letter from my employers stating that I needed it for work reasons, but still havent got a date yet.

In the meantime I've tried ringing them, only to go on hold for long lenths of time before giving up the ghost and hanging up.

Has anybody heard / read anything recently about how confident the RSA are about meeting thier targets which they plastered on column inch's in the broadsheets at the time of the announcent?? (that all 2nd prov holders will have sat a test by 30th June 2008 )

Confidence that this isint going to blow up in thier faces??
i applied for my mum (1st license) to do the test in mullingar a few days after the hulabuloo re drivers on provisionals. she got a letter last week with a date of 28th feb, she called to change the test centre to fonthill and got 30th jan instead.

also, my friend applied around the same time (2nd prov) and she has a date for next week. seems to be keeping up to with things as far as i can see.
A friend of mine applied for a driving test in early September - long before the panic started. He hasnt received any notice of test yet. Told that waiting list is c.10 months long - wont get date until c.June.

If someone who applied several weeks before the panic is going to struggle to get a date, then no doubt those who applied when the changes were announced have no chance. He applied for the Raheny test centre.
Ive just sent a fax, email and letter to them with regard to my application.
Will await with baited breath
A friend of mine applied for a driving test in early September - long before the panic started. He hasnt received any notice of test yet. Told that waiting list is c.10 months long - wont get date until c.June.

If someone who applied several weeks before the panic is going to struggle to get a date, then no doubt those who applied when the changes were announced have no chance. He applied for the Raheny test centre.

I applied to Raheny beginning of July 07 and still have not got date yet. According to website waiting time for there is 35 weeks so that will mena early march for me.
There was an article in the Irish Indo before Christmas which said that even if the test centres operated at full capacity (6000 tests per week) every week till June 08, and everyone passed, it still wouldn't clear the backlog of 178,000 applications which existed at that time.

Link to article if you're interested.
I applied for mine after the bombshell, I was told it is a 16 wk wait in meath.

4 weeks later I got a date on Christmas wk, then I got a letter cancelling it so it has now been rescheduled to the end of this month!

Fingers crossed I pass!
Like Shannon, I sent off my cheque after the furore and was amazed to get a slot on Monday Dec 17. On arriving home from work on the previous Friday, a message on my landline informed me that my tester had a family bereavement and to ring back on Monday to set another date. This I did and have a new slot for Friday next. I'm just wondering .......... if there was an outbreak of grandmothers/aunts heading for the promised land that week! Anyway, fingers crossed also - after 41 years of driving.
I applied to Raheny beginning of July 07 and still have not got date yet. According to website waiting time for there is 35 weeks so that will mena early march for me.

I applied for my 2nd test late last Feb/ earch March in Raheny and just had my test there last week

Just wondering if anybody who applied for the test in and around the date of the recent fiasco regarding 2nd prov drivers not being allowed to drive alone, then were, (depending on who you listened to at the time) has recieved a test date back yet?
I applied, recieved confirmaton that they got my money, I then sent in a letter from my employers stating that I needed it for work reasons, but still havent got a date yet.
In the meantime I've tried ringing them, only to go on hold for long lenths of time before giving up the ghost and hanging up.
Has anybody heard / read anything recently about how confident the RSA are about meeting thier targets which they plastered on column inch's in the broadsheets at the time of the announcent?? (that all 2nd prov holders will have sat a test by 30th June 2008 )

Confidence that this isint going to blow up in thier faces??

How long have you been driving ? Amazing the way it took for the government to actually bring in the legislation into effect for the L / bad drivers to actually go and apply for their full licence test.

TBH, with such a surge of applications to process (never mind actually issue out actual dates) it could be a fair few weeks. Well if it is June 30th that they have advised all tests will be completed / sat by, well then they (RSA) still could be well on course, as you will generally will be notified 6-8 weeks prior to sitting your test.
How long have you been driving ? Amazing the way it took for the government to actually bring in the legislation into effect for the L / bad drivers to actually go and apply for their full licence test.

helpfull that santimonious clap - - - I hear Dr. Ian up north has a position or two to fill up there......and as for the "L/bad drivers" phrase, c'mon your just stirrin there.....
helpfull that santimonious clap - - - I hear Dr. Ian up north has a position or two to fill up there......and as for the "L/bad drivers" phrase, c'mon your just stirrin there.....

Why are there so many Learner Drivers presently on the road ?

Because they are not confident enough to pass ?

Because they are not able to pass ?


Of course this will not effect the people who have already passed their test successfully, only the ones who have not passed, or applied to take the test.
Like Shannon, I sent off my cheque after the furore and was amazed to get a slot on Monday Dec 17. On arriving home from work on the previous Friday, a message on my landline informed me that my tester had a family bereavement and to ring back on Monday to set another date. This I did and have a new slot for Friday next. I'm just wondering .......... if there was an outbreak of grandmothers/aunts heading for the promised land that week! Anyway, fingers crossed also - after 41 years of driving.
Yippeeee! Just out of Orwell Test Centre and passed.