Driving Test Centre - Curraheen Dog Track CORK


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Has anyone done they're driving test here yet? Do you know which routes the tester are using. Daughter has her test next week.

She should book a lesson with a local driving instructor, they will take her on a trial run of all possible routes.
Some day spend an hour following other people doing their test to see the routes taken. I know someone who did this and they identified a few spots where it would be handy to have someone available to press the pedestrian light or similar which would give the advantage to a learner. e.g leaving a secondary road on to a main road. There was a pedestrian crossing 100 yards from the junction. They stood at the crossing and when they saw the learner coming along the secondary road to the junction they pressed the button which stopped the main road traffic thus allowing a n easy exit from the secondary road for the learner
i have asked some of the instructers out there yesterday and they told me no one has done a test there yet. i reckon my daughter is going to be one of the first!!

Can someone recommend a good driving instructer from the bishopstown area
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