Driving Test - 3rd Provisional Licence


Registered User
Hi All,

I have my category B driving test next Tuesday.

However, I'm wondering about arriving at the test centre without a full licence holder to accompany me as I have just found out that as I'm on my 3rd provisional licence I am required to have a full licence holder to accompany me at all times when driving.
If you are on your second provisonal you do not have this restriction but unless you obtain your full licence on your second the restriction comes into force again for subsequent licences.

I am of course just going to say that a full licence holder did accompany to the test centre.

Has anybody run into this situation before?

I have heard of cases where the instructor has failed persons for admitting to driving to the test centre unaccompanied where required of course.

I sat my driving test on my first provisional licence. I wasn't asked any questions. If you are, just say that you were accompanied to the test centre and will be collected afterwards if your test is unsuccessful.
Admit nothing! They probably won't even ask but have your answer prepared anyway. Its none of their business what you do after the test (probably best not to say that until they've told you the result though )
I've never heard of them asking that - they can't fail you because you've been driving without licensed driver. Just as they can't fail you if you let it slip that you drove on a motorway. Another urban myth methinks!
I spent the guts of a year driving around on my 3rd provisional licence. Technically you are only allowed drive unaccompanied on your second provisional licence. However i spoke to my driving instructor about it when i was doing the test a number of months ago - he said it is never enforced by gardai or insurance companies.

Would be interested to hear of a definite case where this wasnt the case.

PS I drove to and from the driving test on my own
PPS If, in the unlikely event you get quizzed, you can say someone came with you but you asked them to leave you alone for an hour before the test so you could focus.....
What i can't believe is that the tester is not obliged to have sat the test him self. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I failed for not progressing fast enough on the straights, all done on purpose mind you so as not to have my instructor **** him self !
No instructor can fail you for turning up without a fully licenced driver.
His job is to assess you on your driving during the test period.

Whether you arrive with/without a fully licenced driver is a matter for the law to which he is not a member of nor can he enforce it upon you.

About an hour before i did my test in Jan 05 (my first) I had a pretest with ISM telling my that the Test Centre Instructors (Finglas) were Nazi's and that they intimidate the driver. Sure thing thats what happened. Really foooked me off. Still awaiting my second test and i applied 2 weeks after i failed. Still not received a date for second test. Wont go back to Finglas though, chose Navan instead.