Driving on Motorway - If you see my lights, I can see yours.

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Here you go. I just backed up my previous post.

Oh and here again.

so all drivers are below these hedges, have you ever heard of a lorry ???
so all drivers are below these hedges, have you ever heard of a lorry ???

Lads (Ron and "St") are you lorry drivers? If so have you been blinded by this type of scenario? If so have you flashed the driver to let them know? As I said I've never been flashed yet so I can't be all that bad now can I?
As I said I've never been flashed yet so I can't be all that bad now can I?

Probably because people are too busy trying to keep their car under control cos they cant see as some inconsiderate driver is blinding them with full beams.

And the answer to your 2 questions is

No and No.
Lads (Ron and "St") are you lorry drivers? If so have you been blinded by this type of scenario? If so have you flashed the driver to let them know? As I said I've never been flashed yet so I can't be all that bad now can I?

No i drive a 4x4 as i mentioned earlier. But you avioded what i said. You blind drivers in lorries and 4x4 so what is your position now ???
You blind drivers in lorries and 4x4 so what is your position now ???

Sigh. Ron first off it's a bit much taking criticism on driving etiquette from someone who advocates driving in the middle of three lanes as being correct even if the left hand lane is empty! As I already stated, I have yet to be flashed by anyone in the places where I put my full beams on so obviously I don't believe that I have blinded anyone. If anyone was to blind me with full beams I'd be letting them know about it (unlike St. B I'm able to maintain control of my car when someone is approaching on a motorway with full beams on).

Yes as you have an escaoe lane left and right in case of an emergency ( you must have spent a lot of times looking up my previous posts sadact )You didn't answer any question and just tried to attack two poster who have posed questions to you
If you don't remember Ron I started the thread in which you espoused your views on middle lane driving! Oh and it's not me who is making the personal attacks I think you'll find! And what part of the below did not answer your question?

I don't believe that I have blinded anyone.

Well aren't you a brilliant driver. Congratulations. Hope your happy driving along with your full beams on whilst blinding other drivers and causing accidents. Fair play.
If you don't remember Ron I started the thread in which you espoused your views on middle lane driving! Oh and it's not me who is making the personal attacks I think you'll find! And what part of the below did not answer your question?

why would i remember you ????

"you don't Believe" you've blinded anyone. Does that matter ? So its ok for me to drink drive "once i believe i haven't killed anyone" or to speed "once i don't run into anyone"

Driving will full beams on with traffic oncoming is against the law......simple as. To argue that you are doing nothing wrong while breaking the law is a joke.

Also is driving in the middle lane illegal ???
Lads I'm giving up now, you obviously have a picture of some crazy law breaker driving along with full beams leaving a trail of smashed cars on the other side of the motorway in his wake and there is nothing I can say to convince you otherwise. I remain satisfied that I'm a considerate and safe driver no matter what you try and portray me as.

No you brake the law and refuse to admit it. If your ever stopped by Garda for it i'd love to hear you explain it.
I remain satisfied that I'm a considerate and safe driver

..but that's why we have rules of the road and you're breaking them by not dipping your lights when meeting other traffic ( using a reasonable interpretation of the word " meeting ").
Alright so lets say I'm wrong (which seems to be the consensus here!). If this is the case then what is the difference between having a hedge in the middle of a motorway (so you can't see other cars, only the tops of trucks) and having another road running alongside a motorway (as there is near Newbridge) - I've often seen drivers on this other road with full headlights on - is this also illegal? I don't think it's as black and white as some of ye are making out - my interpretation of meeting other cars would be that I can see them - with a hedge in the middle I can't.
Remember that there is almost always hedging of some description in the middle of the motorway.

A hedge is not a solid object and they have patches where beams of strong light can get through. Plus as you say above "there is almost always hedging of some description in the middle of the motorway"

Almost always is not enough in my book.
Just curious, when you dip in such scenarios (no cars in front of you, only oncoming), hedges to your right, trees/banks to your left, so effectively a pretty dark road, do you immediately slow down to an appropriate speed (given that you only have 30 meters visibility with dipped headlights, so you can see approx 1 second in front of you) to allow for this?
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