Driving on Motorway - If you see my lights, I can see yours.

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The amount of times I have been driving home to find cars coming in the opposite direction leaving their fulls on while they pass you. There are stretches on the road where you are lucky enough not to see the oncoming car lights but just to everyone driving the dual roads at night, If you can see my lights, then I can definitely see yours.
The sooner you realise that we have an awful lot of bad and inconsiderate drivers on the road the better for your mental health.
So when you can see their lights, are their lights blinding you?
Agree with the OP on this one.

Being blinded by full beams is incredibly annoying and downright dangerous.

The 2 situations that I find happen to me quite often are:

- on dark rural roads if there is a lot of humps in the road, you can see the lights in the sky of the other car approaching on the other side of the rise and naturally dip your lights. But they wait until they have come over the hill to dip theirs, by which time you are already blinded just as you approach them and the top of hill. It means for a second or two you are blinded as you come down off the rise.

- someone approaching you has already dipped their lights a decent distance back, but for some reason they put them into full beam again just as they are a car length in front of you. Why?
- someone approaching you has already dipped their lights a decent distance back, but for some reason they put them into full beam again just as they are a car length in front of you. Why?

Extreme stupidity? Perhaps they mistakenly think that by the time the light is at full brightness they'll already be past you.

I also hate xenon lights. They're way too bright.

Out of alignment lights in cars behind are a major pain as well.

Reasons for this are basically completely ignorant and completely stupid drivers. Some of us do it once in a year (forgiven of course) but some people just dont give a sht!

Also, can somebody clarify this for me. I always had it in my head that those cars that have the extra two lights (normally on rally like cars) below their normal lights were illegal (cant remember where I heard this). Anybody shed some light on this!
Hold on, the OP is talking about driving on a motorway here. I will put my lights on full beam if I'm on a motorway at night and there are no cars in front of my (heading in my direction). If there are cars on the other side of the motorway coming in the opposite direction I don't dip - why should I? They're 3 lanes (plus the barrier in the middle) between us so it's not like I'd be blinding them. I never have a problem when someone does the same coming in the opposite direction. Just to be clear, I only do this if there are no cars on my side in front of me and also only in the stretches where there are no lights on the motorway. I find it much safer from my point of view to have them on full beam in these cases.
I thought yes, having the extra lights, or fog lights on all the time was illegal? Everyone seems to do it over here though...just like the first 5 seconds of a red light is clearly a green light for most people.

Because it says so in the and motorway driving is not excluded from this rule.

do you turn right on a roundabout as well
I thought yes, having the extra lights, or fog lights on all the time was illegal? Everyone seems to do it over here though...just like the first 5 seconds of a red light is clearly a green light for most people.

This topic was extensively discussed last winter on this thread .
Because it says so in the and motorway driving is not excluded from this rule.

I don't see there where it says so? I'm not meeting other traffic on a motorway - if I was I'd be more worried about what they're doing on my side of the road!! Remember that there is almost always hedging of some description in the middle of the motorway. If there was no hedging (such as the 3 lane part of the N7) then I'd put my dips on.

what about a truck on the other side who is sitting well above any barrier ???? Late at night the majority of traffic are trucks, i'm on the N7 very late at night and drive a 4x4 ( higher as well ) and the amount of muppets on the oppisite side with full nights on are just silly.
I don't see there where it says so? I'm not meeting other traffic on a motorway

The rule is clear:

Use dipped headlights:
  • just after the beginning (dusk) and before the end (dawn) of lightingup hours,
  • as long as they are needed to let you see clearly,
  • when stopped in traffic,
  • when meeting other traffic,
  • in built-up areas where there is good street lighting,
  • on continuously lit roads outside built-up areas,
  • when following behind another vehicle,
  • where there is dense fog, falling snow or heavy rain,
  • when daylight is fading, and
  • generally to avoid inconveniencing other traffic.

By any reasonable measure in this context "meeting other traffic" means coming in to contact with other cars .

Ceist Beag If there are cars on the other side of the motorway coming in the opposite direction I don't dip - why should I? They're 3 lanes (plus the barrier in the middle) between us so it's not like I'd be blinding them
How do you know you're not blinding them or you're not causing them inconvenience - clearly it bothers some drivers like the op!

Do you drive a BMW?
Do you drive a BMW?

Funny guy! Nope I don't. I still fail to see how I could be blinding someone who is driving at least 20 meters across from me with a hedge in between us! By all means on other roads that's just common sense but I've yet to be blinded by anyone on a motorway (and Ron I drive a car where I sit up pretty high myself). But hey I'm certainly not an inconsiderate driver so if the overwhelming view on here is that people are indeed blinded by this then I'm willing to take that on board and alter my ways! That said, the amount of times in all my driving that I've been on a motorway where there hasn't been a car in front of my on my side are very few indeed!!
But hey I'm certainly not an inconsiderate driver so if the overwhelming view on here is that people are indeed blinded by this...

Well put it this way - are you saying you have never been flashed by anyone for having your full beams on when driving on a motorway?

I know I have.

Yes i like to think so.

The point here is that you are in fact an inconsiderate driver who obviously thinks only about yourself and your own safety whilst driving.
Where did my last reply go? Has someone deleted it? And to St. Bernard (ironic title for someone so judgmental) take your high horse somewhere else where you can back up such argument with facts.
Caveat my previous reply was to confirm that I have never been flashed by a driver coming in the opposite direction on a stretch of motorway with hedges in between (as stated the times I would consider putting on full beams)!
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