driving offensive issue


Registered User
Ok so I was driving home one night and met a slow driver, I when to overtake the car and they went to pull out on top of me as I passed by so I beeped once, and when I pulled in front of him he put his full beam lights on me, blinding me and making me slow down to avoid a crash. He disappeared for a while but approach me again from behind at speed and turned off. When I got home I got a call from the cops saying he had reported me for dangerous driving. Him and his wife gave statements. Now the superintendent is fining me and giving me points. I did nothing wrong. Anyone have any ideas on to challenge this.
Are you being fined for dangerous driving,or some other offence?
Have you received a fixed penalty notice?
Have you given a statement?
Were you driving dangerously? How slow was he going and what was the speed limit in the area?. Did you overtake on a continuous white line or were you speeding when you overtook him? Before you look to challenge him you should look objectively at your own driving

You probably could challenge it in the court where it will become a he said/she said issue and could depend on the view of the judge.
Yes dangerous driving,
its being sent out now,
Yes I gave a statement.

They are getting off free without a warning
No I wasn't driving dangerous, He was doing 65-70 KPH in a 100 KPH area. Broken Line and was just touching 100KPH after overtaking. Its all based on a untrue and malicious statement. No real proof at all. Might talk to a solicitor or GSOC about it
I'm sure she said the super was doing me for dangerous driving, he clearly didn't read my statement, i say the minute he seen my age he said I was guilty
That must be it, do you think there is much point in talking to the superindent myself. Tell him I feel the statement the other person gave is malicious statement
My sister in law is in the same situation a report by a lollipop woman who said she was dangerous driving.
She does not Remember any incident as she drives that road every day. The Gardai asked her to attend the station and said that she can take points and a fine or go to court. She told them as she has no memory of any incident she would go to court .
Fast forward a week and she was in her mothers house for lunch when two Gardai on the beat knocked on the door with a summons for her. As this is not her registered address she asked them why they were serving the summons at a different address and they said that they were passing and saw the car parked outside??
The person that reported was caught putting rubbish in to her mothers wheelie bin and now she had taken to standing outside her mothers gate and staring in for 10 minutes at a time. Photos to prove it.
She is in court soon but she is afraid she will be done for it as it was a lollipop woman that reported it. The Gardai were very aggressive towards my sister in law as in serving the summons and not listening to what she was saying
She had engaged a solicitor so we will see how the Judge views it
Advice on all cases.

Be very very slow to give statements.
If you feel it is a genuine issue , take advice.
Ya like I told the gardai about all the dangerous stuff he did but nothing being done to him. The garda that took my statement say she didn't see anything coming of it. In her report to the super she even said it shouldn't go any further because its his word against mine. But the super has decided to take his side on it. I don't think I should have to pay a fine or get points, I bet he is friends with the super. He reported me to get himself out of the This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language
I'm only asking,so don't take it the wrong way....but what age are you and what car do you drive(and while we're at it,is the insurance in your own name)?

We were all young and a bit hot-headed once,so maybe did you react when the man pulled out on you as you overtook by veering into him?And you say that you had to slow down after you overtook him as he had his full beams on.Was this a slow down or a brake test?

Why did they pull out when you were overtaking? Were they going to overtake something too?
No it was a clear attempt to cause a crash. Trying to be a bully etc

you're making a collection of very serious allegations here, ranging from Garda corruption in an earlier post (I bet he is friends with the super) to accusing the other driver of deliberately trying to crash into you. I'm not doubting what you are saying just that if this is your defence in court, it's quite likely a judge will take a dim view of uncorroborated allegations. By all means challenge the case if you see fit, but stick to facts, for example

Did you indicate you were overtaking?
Was there any oncoming traffic?
Did you leave sufficient space in front of the other car when you pulled back into the lane? It's easy to misjudge that at night.
What were the weather conditions like. ?

Are you 100% sure the speed limit was 100?. It's often unclear especially where junctions are involved. Speed limits change and people don't always realize it. Are there any CCTV cameras in the area which would back your claim?
well i'm not going to say the bit about the super, My point is how can it be one gets done and the other gets off if its his word against my word. The Gardai were very biases noteing everything he said but turning a blind eye to all the crap he done on the road. Everything I did was right in overtaking, it is a local road here. been on it a million times since i was a kid, no other witness's except his wife but her statement can't be used, so its 1 vs 1 so how can the garda do one and not the other??? I hate to say it but it looks like corruption. Hurts to say it. No cameras

To the OP. Your commentary indicates that in your opinion the car that you overtook reacted by driving dangerously close to you. You saw this as a deliberate act and therefore you should in turn make a Garda report. If you wish to use his alleged bad driving as a defense you need to make the judge aware that you reported this to the Gardaí. Something similar happened to me previously and as it was a case of 2 opposing allegations the case never went to Court. I used a statement to my solicitor which was sent on to the Garda in question.
I wonder if a dash cam be a good buy, the one time i need one i didn't have one

28yo, have a vectra 120bhp, Insurance is in my name. When I gave my statement to gardai, I highlighted their driving behaviour but the Superindentent decided based on his gut feeling that the other guys allegation was true and mine was the false allegation. Like he has no way to prove who is right yet he let one person off and give the other person a fine and points, even doh its a case of opposing allegations.

Gentle braking, but the other guy i slammed on it but the way he said it there would be 2 black lines on the road if i braked that hard.

I have passed it on to GSOC, they are interested to know how he made his mind up, based on the two stories having no solid proof to back either story, they are opposing hear-say stories they said.
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