Driving Licence


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Ok, you have to have your driving licence on you at all times when driving. No longer are you allowed call to a station within 10 days to produce it.
At the same time, you can apply for a renewal of your licence using the post, but you must INCLUDE your old licence in the postal application so you don't have a licence for days.....

I mean for feck sake....
I have debated this with my wife manys a time! I don't want to leave my licence in the car and I don't think my wife should leave her licence in the car either but my wife, being a law abiding person (just like me), won't drive the car without having her licence in the car. But what if the car is stolen whilst parked? Imagine the hassle (I have taken photocopies of them for convenience should this ever happen)? We have had a car stolen in the past so it's a legitimate concern.
I was stopped recently and had to produce only to find that it was 4 months out of date.
Garda said that I looked 'respectable' and he wasn't going to book me this time - I did not have to produce 10 days later,
Made sure I got a new one though - it took about 14 days despite bringing the application form in myself. However they did give me a receipt for the application form.

It's the luck of the draw
I keep mine in my wallet. As a result it is in tatters. Why can't they be in a credit card like format? As the USA have been doing for decades. They look like the sort of thing that the rest of Europe were using during the second world war...
i brought mine in in person last Friday. Had it issued to me on the spot. So maybe you're not a 'respectable' looking person Jasconius if you took 14 days!!!
I asked about credit card licences...the girl said it was mentioned about 3 years ago but she hadn't heard a dickie bird since.
My point is...on the one hand, one law says you must carry your licence on you, the other law says you can apply for it by post and it can take forever...so are you in theory not supposed to drive during your renewal period???
Purple said:
They look like the sort of thing that the rest of Europe were using during the second world war...
Whatever about the pink 'EU models', does anyone remember the old red Ceadúnas Tiomána booklet-type thing? You were lucky if it fitted in your pocket..!
legend99 said:
...so are you in theory not supposed to drive during your renewal period???
Look, realistically, no Garda is going to issue a summons if you show a photocopy of the application form, dated within the previous few weeks. Or, if (s)he did, it would immediately be struck out. I had a similar experience with the tax disc — got a fine notice while parked downtown, sent a copy of my renewal form and the ticket into the local District Court, and they wrote back to say it was cancelled.
Whatever about the pink 'EU models', does anyone remember the old red Ceadúnas Tiomána booklet-type thing? You were lucky if it fitted in your pocket..!
I don't remember it DrM (I'm only a lad after all) but I laughed out loud at your post...
DrMoriarty said:
the old red Ceadúnas Tiomána booklet-type thing? .

Oh now I really feel old! I remember showing it at the border and they laughed!!
I remember raising the same point when I was renewing my license, i.e. if I post it off how can I present it when requested by a Garda. The lady I spoke to simply told me to pohtocopy the application form and present this in the event I was asked.

I thought we where going to have banklink styled driving licence like they have in Finland much better for the wallet
this one might ring a bell with jas. the old stle hand written licence issued by Louth CoCo was very hard to read, due to extremely bad handwriting. was in a car stopped by the brits in south armagh one day and the driver handed over the licence. Brit struggled with the name, the address and generally with every written word. Friend pulled the licence back and said to him. 'why did you ask for the driving licence when you cant read? and drove off. the other thing I can recall was around 10 years ago hiring a car in lanzarotte. brough in licence ( hand written one) and waited for receptionist to query name and address. When she didn't I asked her did she have any problem with it and she pointed out a large map of europe and said ' no problem, Dundalk is here' pointing out to where Dundalk was. Then she said 'some people come in here with licences and I say to them - where is this country - show me on the map' thought that was funny. agree with purple though. should have secondary credit card type licence for garda checkpoint purposes only in car. ie couldnt be used to hire car or open bank account etc.

Got mine the hard way by doing the test - but I remember the time about 20 years ago when everyone with a provision got the full one because the driving test queues were so long - even my mother-in-law got one and she couldn't drive a nail! My heart sank.
couple of years ago there were newspaper reports that we were on the verge of getting modern atm card type driving licences.
Then later there was a report that due to unforseen difficulties the introduction was being postponed indefinitely. Report never said waht the issues were though.
In fairness it is hard to see what could possibly be the issue. Its not exactly new technology, and the pink DL has got to be easier to forge.

My current DL is 2 yrs old and already looks more beat up than an old 5 euro note. God only knows what it will look like in another 8 years.
I know this is off the topic but I often thought that it might be nice if you were asked to give a pint of blood when applying for a licence, then your blood type would be on the licence and also it may slow even one person down to think that the blood is being donated to someone in a road accident. And for loads of other reasons too which I won't bore ye with.
I think the credit card stlye licence is a great idea.