Driving in the current weather conditions


Registered User
I'd like to advise and remind members that when driving on the roads day or night during the current snow, hail, slush, ice and freezing fog to turn on dipped lights at all times. I cannot emphasis enough how important this is during winter and especially during our current weather conditions.


Only turn on front or rear fog lights when it is necessary, ie; in fog or in deteriorating road conditions (driving snow, hail or sleet). Turn them off again when you return to normal driving conditions please!!!

When driving, accellerate gently and brake very gently. Get into second gear as soon as you can or try to move off in second if this is possible.

Allow about three times more car space between you and the car in front when driving.

When slowing down or coming to a stop, try to use the engine/gears to slow the car down before using the brakes.

If you feel like you are skidding on ice, ease off on the brake to regain grip by letting the tyres turn naturally.

* If you get stuck in some snow, dont try to drive straight out as you may dig yourself in. What you should try to do is to try turning the steering wheel from side to side, pushing the snow out of the way and then allowing you to drive off slowly and gently.

Check your lights that all bulbs are working, check your levels to make sure that you have enough coolant/oil/washer fluid, check your tyre pressures, and condition ofsp tyres, check wiper blades too.

Take care out there folks and drive carefully, only getting into the car if you really have to, avoiding any un-necessary journeys.
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And please don't offer to push someone stuck in snow/ice...it's lethal.
Dig out a track of snow/ice from the front of the power wheels.

So carry a spade or something in the boot.
Thanks for the great thread RonanC. Lots of silly people out there taking risks especially when driving. Having been through the big snow in '82 I always try to prepare as much as possible when heading out in it.